Chapter 7 ↣

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"Akiko, watch closely now."

All My family and friends standing in front of me. In front of him. In front of the one person I could never wrap my head around.

"Akiko give me the key!" He yells but I can't manage to tear my eyes away from the crowd of my love ones.

"No! Don't do it!" I hear one voice shout up from the mother. "Don't do it Kitsune!"

"Shut up!" The man booms throwing silence over us all once again.

I clench my fists against my restraints, "No."

"WHAT?!" He roars into my face grabbing my jaw.

"N-no." I stutter out again. He stares at me for a moment, blind rage growing across his face.

"Well, I guess you have thirty-two try's at this to get it right." He grabs this little knife out of his pocket and throws it down and it hits my mother straight through the heart.

"NO!" I cry out trying to pull against my restraints to run to her. No one can help her, we are all tied down.

"Who's next?" The man asks gingerly towards the crowd.

"Osiris Richards..." I breath out and he turns his head towards me amused.

"My my you really are a little, what did your mother refer to you as? Kitsune? My own little pet fox." He growls circling me.

"I will kill you." I hiss struggling against my own arms.

"I do believe that yes, but I think you'll want to die first." He whispers into my ear.

I wake up normally, somehow. No cold sweat, or rolling around. Just me squinting my eyes open because I forgot to take my contacts out.

And I'm oddly warm, I mean, I normally don't sleep with blankets, or pillows. So this feels really uncomfortable.

Then I feel something move. And it's not me. Oh right...OH RIGHT! How do I react? What do I say? Wait...I should probably get dressed because I actually have to do my real job.

I lift his arms off of me, waking him up but he pretends to still be asleep.

I grab some clean clothes and head towards my bathroom before stopping, "If you try to look around, let me not let you waste time. My laptop's on my desk, my phone is on my bed stand, and a few of my kunai are scattered everywhere so watch your step."

I don't wait for his response I just continue my way into the bathroom to shower. I wonder if he thought that his fake sleeping was buyable?

I jump in the shower and within the span of almost three minutes I'm done. I dry myself off, put some clean pants and a crop top on, and dry my hair before walking out to lean against a wall and wait for him to stop faking.

I catch him when his phone starts to buzz and he pretends to just wake up then and he reaches out to grab it.

"Your eyes were closed too tightly and your breathing was unsteady." I say making him chuckle.

He answers it and glances at me before saying 'Okay' and hanging up.

"They need me back at the club." He answers my question before I ask it.

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