Chapter 18 ↣

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THANK YOU  stfumaddie FOR THE AMAZING COVER! I really really appreciate it and I thank you for reading and voting.

3k! HOLY SHI- HOW?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN IN THE SPAN OF LIKE, TWO WEEKS! Ugh, I love you guys so much. I love reading your comments and I love it when I check my phone and see that people voted or added the story.

Ok I'll shut up now, enjoy~

Laurel jumps onto my back in attempt to push me down but I just throw her off my back and Diggle ends up tripping over her and steam rolling Oliver over.

Roy pulls back his bow but I just throw a knife and it slices the arrow in half.

"Thirty-seven. Again." I say while walking back to the other side of the warehouse.

"You can't shove seventeen years of training down our throats." Laurel reminds me.

"Oh I know that. I'm at least trying to give you one year of training." I fix my mask and square up.

"How about a break?" Oliver suggests to the others, who immediately agree and sit in various chairs, exhausted.

I pull my scarves off and throw them on the table along with my knives, "Great. If you don't enjoy training with me, then please, find yourself a more able trainer."

"It's not that we don't enjoy doing this all day for the past week. We just really don't enjoy doing this for the past week!" Diggle says sarcastically and bitterly.

"That doesn't even make sense...anyway, this wasn't my idea. Blame your fearless Robin Hood." I grab an ice pack and place it onto my head, where Laurel earlier decided it would be a smart idea to pound it twelve times with her stupid fucking baton.

Not to mention the fact that I haven't gotten any sleep for the past seven days because after this I go home and do my job, until morning then I come back here, do this, then go and do my job. It's fucking stupid! And they are complaining the entire time that they are 'sore' and 'tired'. Well boo hoo mother fuckers, drink some vodka with me.

"Please stop calling me that." Oliver says making me laugh.

"Or what? You'll fire me? Or is that a threat?" I ask making Roy laugh and basically everyone, but him, amused.

"Ha ha ha." He laughs sarcastically while rolling his eyes at me.

I drink the last of my spiked coffee- oh did I forget to mention that we are kind of, sort of, trying to see if when I'm drunk that it'll be easier to fight me, because I mention how Osiris drinks 24/7. Woohoo... I won't even have time to be hungover.

"Alright. I think that I'm past the legal limit." I say before cracking my knuckles.

"Walk in a line." Diggle says.

I roll my eyes before laughing, "We aren't trying to see if I'll get pulled over, we're trying to see if I'm any worse wasted."

Out of the corner of my eye I watch as Oliver throws a punch at me. And my drunk ass catches it and flips him over.

"Nope. Didn't work." He groans from the ground.

"He drinks at least two bottles of vodka...or was it whiskey? I think maybe gin. I'm not sure. Whatever he drinks has a high alcohol level, and he has had several liver transplants." I say while offering a hand out for Oliver.

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