Chapter 5 ↣

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"Oh my dear little nine tailed fox, what would I do without you?" Osiris' words echo around the ware house.

"Go to hell!" I yell.

"Oh sweetie, seeing you like this is like heaven on earth."

I grab my kunai off the floor before I'm being grabbed by my bad arm and pulled out of this place. I wince as he lets go but I ignore the pain because of fucking adrenaline is a drug.

"How did he find us?" Arsenal hisses at me.

"I don't know. I just know that he's dangerous and don't underestimate him." I tell him.

Somehow we end up outside and he ushers me over to a motorbike. I hear rapid foot steps behind us and I pull a few knives out and turn towards my assailant, who turns out to only be the Arrow.

"Get on!" Arsenal yells at me.

The Arrow already is gone and this is my chance.

"No!" I yell back running away and back towards the building.

He catches my arm and spins me around, "If you go back in there, he will torture you again."

"And if I go with you, I'll be tortured mentally instead of physically." I say weighing my options.

He looses his grip on my arm, "Can you please just trust me, I'll make sure they don't hurt you."

I stare at him for a second, "Why should I believe you after you shot me with an arrow?"

"For the same reason people believe in God, because we can." He uses my own words against me making me smile.

"Kitsune, oh little Kitsune~" Siris' voice echoes down the alley. Then my entire body is, what feels like, drowning.

I hold my throat and start gasping for air. Something is so wrong.

"Hey! Hey! Come on, stay with me!" Arsenal says as I feel my weak body being picked up. Did I fall over?

"Stay with.... Come on.... Hey!" The world starts to get really blurry, wait, maybe that's because we are on the motor bike. Yeah.

WAIT! I move my shaking hand from my throat and start to grab at the back of my neck.

"What's....wrong?" It doesn't help that he's really blurry and his words sound slow and slurred.

That's worse than the 'Are you choking? Are you choking?' No fucking shit I'm choking, if I wasn't then I would fucking tell you, you piece of shit ass motherfucking parents having no goddamn idea how to fucking save a child.


Finally my fingers graze over something, it's weird, nothing I know of. A human can survive 3 minutes without oxygen with minimum brain damage, but there have been stories of divers lasting 20 minutes without any.

If I can make it an even 8 minutes, then maybe... Just maybe, I won't be an annoying twat when I can breath again.

I close my eyes slightly, shutting my mouth and holding everything back. Although I feel like I'm going to faint, I have plenty of oxygen in my blood.

I'm being carried again, this seems like an ongoing thing. I guess 125 lbs. is less then I predicted. To be on at least close to even battle grounds, I would have to at least weigh 150-170 lbs. Which is something I do NOT want to accomplish. I mean technically I'm underweight for my height, but that's not important.

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