Chapter 16 ↣

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Did anyone expect that?

Anyone remember in Chapter 9 where she slipped up and mentioned her dad? She will almost never refer to him as 'Dad' or 'Father'. Only Osiris or Siris.

Also @-stfumaddie I'm very curious about what you commented then deleted 😂

They brought me back to their little base to get us out of the quote 'freezing cold rain.' Frankly, I'd rather freeze outside than go back down there, but I don't have much of a choice.

"Akiko Alexandrea...Richards." I say for the first time in years.

"And you didn't tell us because..?" Oliver asks reaching out to comfort me, but I turn away slightly, breaking eye contact with them all.

"Why would I tell you?" I shoot back stubbornly.

"Because we are planning on killing him-" Oliver sends Roy a look, "We are planning on stopping him."

"I'm telling you, you can't kill him." I repeat causing an overall sigh to go over the three men.

"And why not?" Diggle asks annoyed.

I pull all of my kunai out, all thirty two of them, and lay the out on the table.

"My mother, my baby sister, my four brothers, two cousins, my aunt and uncle, my grandparents, my best friend, three of my other friends, their mothers, three of their fathers, and all of my teachers from grades one to twelve. That's thirty two people I knew and cared about and had a relationship with. Thirty two people I watched die in front of me, all people who watched me grow up or who I grew up with. Dead." I say, tears stinging my eyes.

They stay silent and just stare at me.

"I can't go back and save them. I can't do anything about that. Hell they don't even have graves for me to mourn over. And I'm still alive, and I can't do anything. So are you happy? I told you!" I yell angrily putting the knives back, "They all knew me as Akiko, that was my name! My mother nicknamed me Kitsune, which means the only person left who calls me either of them is Osiris. So I made up a name, I try and not care about anyone else because I don't want this to ever happen again! But he already made four fucking more! So no, you can't kill him. Don't try."

"He made more?" Oliver asks.

I glance over at them laying by the computer, "Yeah, and colored them accordingly."

"So you have to kill us if you 'step out of line'?" Roy asks uneasily.

"I'm on a ball and chain. I'm stuck, watching, and I can't do anything to help." I say clenching my fist.

"Have you've tried?" Oliver asks.

"I said 'Fuck you' earlier and he threw a coffee mug at me." I say grimacing.

"Fight him." He says without hesitation.

I start laughing bitterly, "Fight him? This isn't Star Wars, I can't just chuck him in a vat of lava."

"Well with the whole 'The evil guy is my dad' it's a little like Star Wars." Roy says earning a glare from everyone.

"Picture this, imagine how I fight. Describe it in one word." I say, they look at my weirdly.

"Strongly?" Roy says in a almost questioning way.

"Okay, now the word to describe how Osiris fights, is Mercilessly. He doesn't spar, he battles. If you fight him, and lose, your dead. And trust me, you'll lose." They all give me a 'Was that necessary?' look.

"Well, he trained you didn't he?" Oliver asks, I cross my arms.

"You suggest sparring me to practice killing him?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Is it a bad idea?" He asks looking around.

"Yes." Diggle, Roy, and I all say at the same time.

"Let's just try it. Okay?" He says, secretly begging.

I roll my eyes, "I'm not going to go easy."

"No knife things." Diggle says, pointing at my person.

I pull them off and lay them on the counter.

"Oliver, since this is your brilliant plan, you get to go first." Roy says.

This better not waste my time.


"Seventy-seven." I say before grabbing Roy's shoulder and flipping him onto his back. I glance back at the other two who look equally as tired and worn out as Roy.

"What about guns?" Diggle asks.

"He wears a bullet proof body suit at all times." I answer while helping Roy up and to a stool.

"Arrows?" Oliver asks.

"Aim for his head, hands, or feet." I say in between chugs of my water.

"Your knives?" Roy asks.

"Head, hands, or feet. Hm, who's next?" I set my water down and look over the three guys who are regretting doing this.

"I will." I hear a voice from behind me.

I turn and see Felicity and another girl in work out clothes. I furrow my eye brows, "I highly doubt-"

Felicity starts throwing punches, which I dodge easily, then the other girl runs at me with a police baton confusing me further.

I grab the sick and flip her over with it. Felicity looks like she is ready to be in the MMA.

She continues to throw punches which I either block or dodge, "Alex actually fight me!"

I grab her two fists and flip her around, "I can't."

I get side tackled, but I quickly recover by picking her up and throwing her away from me.

"Jesus, enough!" I shout at them both.

"No! We want to-"

"Felicity, I'm not going to fight you. I'm not fighting anyone. You all can't do anything against me, let alone Osiris. I don't want you to die-"

"When did you start caring?" She asks cutting me off.

I narrow my eyes and shake my head, "Good luck guys. If I wake up chained in a warehouse, then I know you guys did something stupid."

"She didn't mean-"

"Oliver, thanks for trying. Thank you for really trying. But I'm too broken for you to fix. So stop trying." I walk past him and swipe all of my knives into my bag before leaving.

Maybe I should just stop caring.

I warned them.

I tried to help them.

If they don't listen... It's not my fault.

It won't be my fault.

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