Chapter 15 ↣

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And I'm sorry I can't update as often, I've been sick for weeks now, and I'm a little freshy in highschool  😁

"They denied me! What did you do?!" Siris yells at me.

I cringe slightly but turn my head in response.

"Nothing? That's bullshit. Tell me what you did Akiko!" He slams his fist down on the table in front of us.

"I didn't do anything; to be completely honest, maybe they just didn't want you. Not everything is my fault." I mumble the last part but he still picks it up.

"Everything is your fault. I swear, you ruin everything." My lips pull to the side to hold back anything I could have or should have said.

He sighs before standing up and pacing the room, "If not Queen Consolidated... What other large business are around here?"

"Merlyn Global and Palmer Technologies would be the other two most popular bets." I answer watching him closely.

"Which one would be better for my business?" He asks, still pacing like a caged lion.

"Merlyn Global, computers will leave too much of a trace." I say clearly bored.

He throws a few stacks of hundreds on the table, along with a small container of cyanide.

I grab the money and stand up to leave, but Osiris cuts me off, "Forgetting something?"

I shake my head, "No."

His face flashes with confusion, "W-what, what do you mean 'No' ?"

"I tried some of the cyanide, nothing happened. You lied. So I'm not taking anymore of it." I cross my arms annoyed with his 'You weren't supposed to know that' face.

"You need more for it to work-"

"Save it. Our deal barely changes, hell, you save money even." I walk away without another word.

"What? Do you think that not taking the cyanide means that you are a better person? HA! Akiko you make me laugh!" He follows it up by laughing a bitter laughing in spite of me crossing my arms and staring at him annoyed.

"Fuck you." I speak up for the first time in years.

He immediately stops laughing and stares at me fuming with anger, "What did you just say?"

"Fuck. You." I repeat louder, standing my ground.

He grabs the object closes to him and throws it at me, "You shut your fucking mouth bitch!"

I barely have time to dodge the coffee mug as it hurls towards my head.

"You are ungrateful! You are worthless! You are nothing but my bitch! Now go outside and do your fucking job!" He roars, actually shaking several pitchers of water.

I grab my bag off of the floor and march out of the office, angry, frustrated, irritated, and if ONE more thing goes to SHIT I think I might just break someone's neck.

I start to feel my phone vibrate from inside my coat pocket, I fucking swear, if it's who I think it is.

I pull it out and verbally start laughing, Oliver, I swear, this better be good.

I answer it begrudgingly, "Someone better be dead or bleeding."

"Sort of. Roy has gone rouge." He says shutting my sarcasm up.

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