Chapter 7

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"What's it like having your mom being in Hamilton?" Winnie asks me.
Theodosia had to go to dance class and Olivia had piano class so I decided to take Winnie to the theater with me.
"It's good Thayne and Greg always give me Junk food and Groffsauce always keeps me laughing." I tell Winnie.
She nods.
Winnie is a beautiful girl she has wavy brown curly hair and a has a tanish skin color to her.
Today she is wearing a black tanktop with a yellow pleated skirt and sandals.
"So what does your mom do for a living?" I ask.
"She's a model." Winnie awnsers.
"That's awesome." I say.
"Yea she only does small new York shows but she still looks beautiful." Winnie tells me.
"I guess thats why you are so pretty." I say to Winnie and she smiles.
The Richard Rodgers comes into veiw and I tell the security Guard who we are and we go through the stagedoor.
The first person we see is Vanessa Lins wife and Sebastian.
"Hey Brielle." Vanessa says to me.
"Hi Vanessa." I say giving Vanessa.
"Hi Bri." Sebastian says to me.
I smile and pick him up.
"Hi sebby." I say to him.
Vanessa points to Winnie.
"Who's your friend?" She asks me.
"This is Winnie." I say.
"Winnie Sebastian and Vanessa." I say and Vanessa smiles.
"Great to meet you Winnie." Vanessa says giving her a hug.
"You too." She says.
Vanessa takes Sebastian from me and gives us one last hug.
Winnie and I go upstairs to the dressing rooms and go to Renees.
Renee is inside with Oak and they are laying on the couch kissing.
"What the Hell." I whisper to Winnie and she laughs.
Thats when someone comes behind us and its Pippa and Jasmine.
"Are they?" Pippa asks.
"Making out yes." Jasmine awnsers.
"Aww they're so cute together." Pippa says.
Thats when someone else comes and its Daveed.
"Renee!" He yells.
Renee gets off of Oak and they both turn back to us embarrassed.
"Its not what you think it is." She tells us.
"Yea." Oak says to us.
"Ok we didn't just catch you guys making out." Daveed says.
Renee and Oak look at each other.
"Oak I think you should leave." Renee says to Oak.
"Yea I think so too." Oak says and he and Daveed leave.
The schuyler sisters plus me and Winnie come in and sit down around Renee.
"How did you end up kissing Oak" I ask.
"It just happened." Renee awnsers and then she looks at Winnie. "Who's your friend?" She asks.
"Her name is Winnie." I say. "Winnie the schuyler sisters." I tell Winnie.
"Hi." Pippa says to Winnie.
"Winnie I like that name I might name my child that." Jasmine says patting her stomach.
Winnie just smiles.
"But still are you guys dating?" Pip asks Renee and Renee shrugs.
"He did ask me out." Renee tells us and we all cheer.
Thats when the door opens and Groffsauce appears.
"Oooo what are you girls squealing about?" Groffsauce asks.
"Renee was kissing Oak on the couch and then he asked her out." Pippa tells him and then quickly covers her mouth.
"Pip!" Renee says putting her face in her hands.
"I fucking knew it." Groff says. "Lin owes me 20 dollars."
"It was that obvious?" Renee asks and Groff nods.
"But don't worry you guys are so cute together." Groff tells her and Renee smiles.
"Thanks Groff." She says giving him a hug. "Now get out." Renee orders and Groff does as told.
"You all need to get out." Renee says pacing around.
Seeing that Renee meant it we all went out.
"You probably want to meet the other cast members so lets go." I say and we start to walk past the other dressing rooms.
When I'm walking with Winnie I am yanked into a room.
"What the fuck." I say and turn around to see it's Anthony.
"Oh its just you." I say as I regain my breath.
"Brielle can you help me with something?" Anthony asks me.
"Sure." I awnser.
"I love Jasmine so much." He says and I have a feeling something good is going to happen.
"I want to propose to Jasmine." Anthony tells me and I start to squeal.
"That's awesome did you pick out a ring?" I ask Anthony.
He shakes his head.
"That's what I wanted to ask you can you help me pick out a ring?" Anthony asks.
I nod.
"Of course." I awnser. "Jazzy is going to be so happy." I say and Anthony nods.
"I'm going to propose to her during the Saturday Ham4ham when the girls sing my shot." Anthony says to me.
"Ok." I say. "I better get going Winnie is probably waiting for me."
When I walk out of the dressing room I find Winnie with Pippa and Jasmine.
"I still can't believe they were kissing." Jasmine says as I sit down.
"Guys stop talking about it Renee obviously is uncomfortable about it." I say.
The girls continue to talk about the kiss and I slip out to the basement and sing.
I put on Teen Idle by Marina And The Diamonds and sing to the lyrics the song doesn't relate to me whatsoever but I love to sing it the words feel good on my tounge.
When im done I hear a handful of clapping and I turn around.
Half of  the Hamilton cast is there looking at me.
"You just heard."
"All of that yes." Lin awnsers.
I smack my forhead why did people have to discover my hidden talents.
Winnie is among the people and she smiles and come to me.
"I didn't know you could sing like that." She tells me.
"Theres tons of things you don't know about me Winnie." I say and we both walk to Renees dressing room.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now