Chapter 22: Halloween

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Chapter 22

October 31, 2009

Isabella's Pov

Year 11

Halloween was always on of my favorite holidays besides Christmas. It was the night were you got to go out dressed up how ever you like and not get judged for it. When Harry and I were little we used to go trick or treating around our neighborhood with Josh and Haydn, but as we got old we stopped going out for candy and started scaring the trick or treaters. Now we watch scary movies, just Harry and I. Each year we usually switch off who's house will watch all theses scary movies at and this year we were at Harry's.

To be honest with you I didn't mind watching scary movies with Harry because would hold me tightly through the whole movie, he would even walk me to the bathroom every year.

So far we've made it through two movies and they were okay, I only jumped into Harry's lap about 10 times. We watched The House of Wax and Friday the 13th.

"What movies next Isa?" Harry asked, as he reached over and grabbed a hand full of popcorn.

"Up to you, because I'll end up picking the scariest movie and piss myself." Harry rolled his eyes at my comment and unwrapped his arm from around my shoulder to shuffle through the movies on the coffee table.

"You do know I'm sleeping with you tonight right?"

Harry looked over to me with a smirk on his face. "You are?"

I was confused as to what he was talking about until I realized that I pretty much said I'm was going to fuck him tonight. As I was thinking about how stupid I was Harry made his way over to me on the couch.

"Wow Isa, never knew you could be so demanding."

Since I was laying down on the couch, I made it easier for Harry to hover over me. I could fell my cheeks grow a little red, as Harry stayed leaning over me.

"You know what I meant Styles." I rolled my and pushed at his shoulders.

"I don't think I did." He whispered as he lowered his head down to where my neck and jaw met. He began to place sweet sultry kisses on my sensitive skin.

"Harry." I tried to say, but it sounded more like a moan. I could feel him smiling against my skin as he continued to kiss and stuck at my neck.

As his kisses moved from my neck up to my cheek and over to my lips, my heart couldn't stop beating. Every time Harry touched me or kissed me this way I just got this electrifying feeling. His hands carefully made their way down the side of my body and began to roam around. He played with the bottom of my sweatshirt but before he could attempt to take it off I pushed him off of me.

"God, Harry you take forever to pick out of movie." I joked, laughing a little bit at my stupid joke.

But of course Harry played right along with my joke. "Well maybe if you didn't try to seduce me, we would already be watching the movie."

"So what are we gonna watch?" I changed the subject, sitting up and resting my head in my hands.

"Halloween." He turned the living room lights off and turned around to face me with a smirk on his face.

"Hell no. You know that movie scares the shit out of me. I still have nightmares from it from like three years ago."

"Come on Isa it's not that bad, plus I'll be here." Harry tried to comfort me. "Come here." He said as he lift his arm up for me to cuddle into his side. I sighed and rested my head aganist his shoulder, turning my attention to the telly as the movie began to play.

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