Chapter 17: Rebel

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Chapter 17

July 15, 2009

Isabella's Pov

Summer going into Year 11

"ISABELLA LET'S GO YOUR GONNA MISS YOUR PLANE!" My mother yelled to me from downstairs.

I was rushing around my room to make sure I had everything before I left to go visit my dad for 2 weeks. I really didn't want to go. 1) I hated my father, all he and my mother would do when I was little was fight and yell at the top of there lungs at each other, 2) The plane ride is going to be the longest plane ride if my life and 3) He lives in Florida, in the United States of America!

"Isa you have everything that you need, remember your suitcase wouldn't even shut?" Harry told me as he was watching me run around my room from my bed. Harry stood up and grabbed the full luggage. "Come on Isa, let's go." He said as he rolled the suitcase out of my room.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I followed Harry down stairs. We both ran outside to meet my mother, as she quickly grabbed my suitcase from Harry to put it in the trunk of the car.

Harry grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest wrapping his arms around my body. "I'm gonna miss you, not seeing you for 2 weeks is a long ass time." He said as he wrapped his arms tighter around my body.

I pulled out of our hug and looked up into his eyes, I faintly smiled, "I'm going to miss you too Harry. This isn't fair you know, my dad is a complete dick and I am forced to go and visit him!" By the end my voice was stern.

"Don't worry babe, just think of it this way!" He started, I knew he was going to try and make this trip sound like the greatest thing that ever happened to me. "You're going to Florida! Think about the sun and beach and everything that it has to offer!"

"I'll try." I joked before pulling us into one last hug before walking to my mom who was having a heart attack. She was more nervous about me going away than I was. Once I was sat in the front seat I rolled down the window so Harry could talk with me. "Don't worry, I'll try not to hook up with any guys in Florida." I winked.

"You better not." He laughed, "you wouldn't do it anyway!"

I gave him my best fake shocked face, "Me? I'm a rebel Mr.Styles."

"Well then, I guess I made a rebel out of a careless mans careful daughter." He spoke quietly then giving me a kiss on my cheek. My mom started the car and Harry stepped back, I waved to him as we disappeared down the street.

Once we got to the airport my mother walked in with me. As we walked up to the ticket counter my mum stopped me.

"Do you have your passport?" she asked, I could tell she was holding back her tears. I nodded my head. "Okay now when you land in Florida I want you to call me right away! Oh and don't for get sun block, and make sure your safe and don't get lost and tell your father to watch you and tell him when your going out and where your going out and-"

I cut her off before she could say anything else. "Mum." I paused, "I'll be okay, you don't have to worry about me I'm not a little girl anymore." I said giving her a warm smiled.

The tears that my mum was holding back begin to slowly fall down her red cheeks. My mum nodded then wiped away the tears, and looked back at me.

"I'm sorry honey, it's just your my baby and I don't want anything to happen to you. Plus I hate your father." She mumbled the last part but I still heard her.

"I hate him too! So why do I have to go?" I asked. My father was a dick to my mother all the time. He used to come home from work and pick fights with her then they would be up all night fighting.

"Because he's your father and he loves you and wants to see his daughter." She told me. "Now come on baby girl lets go get your ticket."

After waiting in line for about 10 to 15 minutes we got my ticket the lady checked my passport, and took my suitcase. So all I had with me was my phone, my iPod and head phones, lyric book, and a small blanket in my carry on bag.

We walked over to airport security, my mum waited in line with me until we got the the body scanner, then we had to say our goodbyes because my mother couldn't go any farther.

Before I walked through the body scanner I had to take my shoes, bracelets, and everything out of my pockets, and I had to put them in this little gray bin.

After that I had to walk though the body scanner. Once I made it though with out any problems I put my shoes and bracelets back on and put my iPod and phone back into my pockets. I grabbed my carry on bag and continued to go to my flight.

Just as I arrived were the plane entrance is, a voice came on the intercom saying that my flight was ready to aboard passengers. I walked over to the long line and wait to give the women who had a cake face my ticket.

After that I walked down the long hall and onto the plane to fine my seat. Once I got to my row I took the window seat and pushed my carry in bag under my seat since it was small enough to fit.

A few minutes passed and my phone went off. I took out my phone to see I had a message from my mum, Harry, and Gemma.

From: Mum
- call me when you land love you!

I quickly answered her back telling her I would and that I had to go before I opened Harry's message.

From: Hazza
- I have no clue what I'm gonna do for 2 weeks with out you. xx

I answered him back telling him I hang out with Josh and Haydn but not to do anything stupid. Then I opened Gemma's text message.

From: Gem
- I just found out your going away! text me when you land and were hang out when you get back home! love you!

I was just about to answer Gemma's text message when a women interrupted me.

"Excuse me Miss? please turn your phone of we would like to take off." She smiled, but I could tell it was fake. I nodded my head and told Gemma I would text her when I landed and turned my phone onto airplane mode.

I looked out the window as the plane started to pick up speed. Then I watched as the plane got higher an higher into the sky. Once I couldn't see the ground or water anymore, I closed the window blind and pulled out my lyric book.

I opened the notebook up to a blank page, and thought for a little bit. I had so many things I wanted to put down on the page because writing lyrics was a good way to express your feelings. Then I thought back to what Harry said earlier to me today.

"I guess I made a rebel out of a careless mans careful daughter."

I thought for a few more minutes until I wrote down a few lyrics on the page.

Do you remember, we were sitting there by the water

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

Harry's Pov

1 Week Later

July 21, 2009

It's been about a week since Isa left to go to Florida. We've been texting but it's hard because one of us is always sleeping when the other is awake.

I haven't done anything really since she left besides eat, sleep, bug Gemma and hang out with Josh and Haydn, which I'm doing right now. We were sitting in Josh's Living room playing Call a Duty.

"Haydn you suck!" Josh yelled, I laughed as this is the 10th time Haydn killed Josh.

"Fuck!" Haydn cursed. "I was on a killing streak!"

I laughed, "sucks to be you!"

"I can't find you anywhere on this god damn map Styles where the hell are you?" Haydn asked me, I was the only one that hadn't got killed yet in the game.

"I'm camping, I'm not telling you were I am, I almost have a helicopter!" I said as I looked around for Haydn or Josh so I could kill them both, I need two more kills to get a helicopter.

"Say good night Styles." Josh laughed, just as I made my person turn around Josh killed me.

"You prick! I almost had a helicopter!" I hit the back of his head.

"I love you Josh!" Haydn said as jumped on Josh to give him a hug.

I laughed as Josh pushed Haydn onto the ground. "Just because Skylar won't suck your dick doesn't mean I'm gonna, homo."

"You don't know about me and Sky!" He shot back in defense.

Josh put his hands up, "sorry I didn't think they taught girls that in bible camp." He punched Haydn in the stomach and ran away but before he could get far he tripped and fell.

I couldn't help but laugh at the idiots that I called my best friends. "So another round or we can find something else to do?" I suggested as I stood up to stretch my legs.

"Something else?" Haydn spoke as he stood to do the same.

"He's just saying that because he sucks and doesn't want to lose again." Josh laughed as he got up from his previous position on the floor.

"No, that's not why!" Haydn began but I cut him off.

"Ok how about we go to a party, I heard that Owen's throwing one." I explained to Josh and Haydn.

"Ya sounds good to me." Josh shrugged.

"Ok sounds good, lets go."

Josh, Haydn and I walked down the street to go to the house that the party was at. Once we reached it the place was ginormous and you could hear the music playing from the other end of the street. Outside a few obviously drunken people walked around holding red cups with mysterious liquids inside.

"This place it sick!" Haydn beamed as we stood in front of the white house.

"Hell ya it is, the music's really load though. Do you think it will get bopped?" Josh asked unsure. Both Haydn and I turned to face him with confused looks on our faces.

"Bopped?" I question with a slight hint of laughter in my tone.

"Ya, you know. If the police come than it's called getting 'bopped'." He spoke matter of factly. "You guys didn't know that?"

"Oh sorry we aren't up to date on the party lingo Josh." Haydn mocked before the three of us started up the long staircase to reach the door. Instead of knocking we walked right in, the aroma of smoke and sweat clouded our senses. People stood in the living area dancing to the music, the smoke smell was coming from the kitchen were a bunch of kids took a hit off of each others bongs. An array of drinks laid on the island ready for anyone to take at anytime, more in the refrigerator if you preferred a cold one.

"Lads! I didn't think you were going to be making it!" We turned around to find Owen standing behind us with a smile on his face and a beer in his hand.

"We decided to drop by, I mean you can't really miss the party of the year!" I laughed before dapping him up.

"Party of the year is right Styles!" He yelled, obviously he was drunk. "Here have a beer!" He practically threw me the cup, some of the tan liquid fell on the hard wood floor. I expected the drink and began to sip it but that obviously wasn't his intention.

"Don't be a pussy! Chug it!" He bang to cheer 'CHUG CHUG CHUG'! And soon the entire room had joined in. Over done by peer pressure I swallowed down all the beer and threw the cup at him once I was finished. At first it felt similar to chugging a soda but by the end you couldn't even feel it anymore.

"Fuck you." I joked as I wiped my mouth.

Owen's eyes widened as he looked behind me completely ignoring my comment, "woah look who's here!"

Curiously I turned around to meet the devious green eyes of my ex-girlfriend. She wore a skin tight black dress that ended a bit above her mid thigh with a plunging neck line. A smirk played across her lips as she looked me up and down, shortly after she whispered to the girl standing beside her.

"She's looking hot as usual." Owen laughed, "who's that next to her?"

I moved my face from Mackenzie to the girl standing beside her, I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Fuck, is that Alexis?" Josh asked surprised. Looking her over one more time I couldn't believe my eyes, it was her. She had lost all the weight from her pregnancy and was now here at Owens party.

"She looks good." Haydn joined in as he continued to stare.

"Let's not forget she has a kid." I reminded them.

"Remember when she told the whole school you got her pregnant," Josh laughed as he patted my shoulder, "good times."

"Don't remind me." I shook my head.

All of us, not including Owen, walked into the kitchen again and got a beer of our liking. The Luke warm drink traveled down my throat as I stood in the living room waiting for Josh and Haydn to come back from taking a hit off of some random kids blunt. One thing I didn't do was smoke.

I felt a soft pair of fingers run up the back of my arm, I turned around to be face to face with Mackenzie.

"What are you going all alone Harry?" She smiled as she batted her eyes.

"I'm just waiting for Josh and Haydn." I explained before taking another drink from cup. She shorty after snatched the cup from my hand and places it in hers. "What you drinking?" She asked as she took a long sip.

Her bright red lipstick left a mark around the rim of the cup, she gave it back to me and fixed her hair. "I'm thinking you should dance with me." She purred into my ear making me shiver.

I knew that if Isa would see what was happening right now she would be furious. Not only at the fact that I was with Mackenzie but also to the fact that I was actually thinking about dancing with her. She looked amazing and she wanted me. I didn't actually know we're Isa and I stood relationship wise. We weren't dating, however, we acted like we were. The way we cuddled, joked around with each other, made out and even had sex. Neither of us had ever made anything official so she couldn't blame me for dancing with her.

"Sure, lets go." I smirked as I grabbed her hand and led her to a large group of dancing teenagers. She placed her bum against me and began to move her hips back and forth to the beat of Lady Gaga's Just Dance. My hands grabbed hold of her waist and guided her against me. By the time the song was over she grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall to a vacant bedroom, throwing me on the bed she climbed on top of me and began to kiss my neck, along with tug in my shirt.

Once my alcohol consumed mind registered what was happening I pushed her off of me immediately.

"What the fuck?" She spat as she stubbed back, not falling to the floor though.

I quickly sat up from the bed. "I cant do this Mackenzie, you're really fit and all but I'm with Isa... I think." I told her as I stood up from he bed. All I could picture in my head is the wet tears streaming down Isa's warm red cheeks. I'm such an idiot, why did I even dance with Mackenzie in the first place?

"You're really dating Isabella? Are you serious she's a fucking bitch. You should be dating someone pretty and can give for fill your needs." She sent me a wink she slowly walked over to me, her hips swaying side to side. Once she got to me she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck. "I can for fill your needs Harry." She whispered into my ear.

Her red lips were just inches away from mine. I can't do this shit. I'm with Isa... I think. Well I never really asked her to be my girlfriend but we do things couples would do. This is so confusing, but I can't do anything with another until I know I'm in a relationship or not.

I made up my mind and quickly pushed her away once again. But this time I didn't stay in the bedroom with Mackenzie, I walked back out towards the party to find Haydn and Josh.

I was walking by the kitchen looking for the idiots I call my best friends, when I saw all the drinks I quickly stop to grab one to get this image of Isa out of my head. I took a few and just as I was gonna go and try to find Haydn and Josh again, I got pulled out of the kitchen.

"What the fuck?" I asked as I turned around to see Josh be Haydn.

"Harry we need to get the fuck out if here!" Josh told me, his eyes kept scanning the room looking for someone.

I laughed, "who's girlfriend did you flirt with now Josh?" I playfully shoved him.

"This isn't a joke Harry! The party is about to get bopped!" Josh told me worry clear in his voice.

"What the hell does bopped mean again? I forgot." I asked still stressed about the whole Isa/Mackenzie thing.

"You fucking idiot!" Haydn screamed.
"The cops are coming to shut down this fucking party!" As soon as the words came out of his mouth the front door flew open and in walked 3 cops yelling 'parties over.'

Everyone started running trying to get out if the house so the cops wouldn't catch them drinking under age, and smoking. Haydn and Josh made their way through the crowd to the back door, leaving me alone. I rushed over to follow them but as soon as I made my way over a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back into the house.

"You're not going anywhere, but coming with us." One of the officers spoke as he dragged me out of the house.

Out of the 70 of us that were at the party, only 5 of us got caught. Of course, with my luck, I was one of those fortunate people. Although Owen had managed to not get caught initially he was definitely going too considering it was his house. I sat in silence of the back of the police car as we drive down to the station. Wagering out the pros and cons of my situations had an extremely difficult time coming up with a good thing. All I knew is that fighting with your ex girlfriend, and being scared shitless was a good remedy to sober a person up.

The officer undid my handcuffs, which were extremely uncomfortable, and sat me down in a jail cell. I was nervous as fuck, a few men, that reeked of piss and weed, sat on separate seats staring me down. I had to get out of here, sure I did some bad things but nothing that would equivalent me of spending the night with these guys.

"Kid, you've got one call, make it count." A man who I identified as Officer Costella opened up the metal barrier. Considering I was the only kid I quickly jumped up and walked over to the dirty phone. This was my inky call and I had to make it count. In situations like these I would call Isa, but she was on another continent probably soaking up the sun right now so I couldn't call her. There was no way I was calling my mom, she would kill me.

"You don't have all day!" The officer yelled and I jumped slightly, the men inside the cell laughed at me.

That's when it hit me, I had to call the one person I never thought that I would ask for help. Typing in the number it rang and rang until her voice sounded on the other line.

"Hello?" She sounded extremely confused.

"Mackenzie it's Harry, I need your help."

Thank you for reading hope you like this chapter!!

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Love you all!!!

~Britt & Nikki xx

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