Chapter 2: New Friends

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(Heads up the Pov is 3rd person because Harry and Isabella are too young) ALSO Picture of Isabella and Harry on the side on when they were little!! >>>>

Chapter 2

September 18, 1998

3rd Person Pov

Reception (American version of kindergarten)

"Mum, but I don't want to go!" Isabella complained to her mum.

"Bell, baby, don't do this again! Mama has to go to work and you have to go! You can meet Anne and her child Harry!"

Isabella laughed and got up off the floor grabbing a hold of her mother's hand. "That's a boys name, why is her name a boys name?"

"Because baby, Harry is a boy."

"Ew mum, he doesn't play with dolls! I don't wanna meet him, I won't like him!"

"I'm sure you'll get along fine. Now let's go, you can't be late for you first day."

They walked for a few minutes until reaching the school.

"Do I really have to go?" Isabella asked, looking up to give her mother a puppy dog face, hoping that she would give in and not make her go.

"Yes Isabella, now go meet your class mates. Good luck baby!" She wiped a smudge off Isabella's face, patted her dress down and fixed her curls one last time before sending her into the classroom.

Isabella looked around at the classroom in awe, there where toys and children everywhere. One selection of the room in particular caught her eye. In the far corner of the room was a huge bucket of blocks. She ran over to them and started grabbing the ones she wanted. Her little hand reached for a long wooden blocking but was cut off by another little hand.

"Hey, I wanted that one!" Isabella frowned, crossing her small arms over her chest.

"Well I need this one!" The boy that grabbed the block said, pulling it away from her reach.

"What are you making?" Isabella asked, interested in why the boy needed her block.

"A castle." The boy answered.

"Oh, who's living in it?"

"A princess and prince, duh."

Isabella laughed, "Who's the princess?"

"I'm the prince but I need a princess. You wanna be my princess?" The boy asked, looking for someone to play with.

"Okay!" Isabella replied with excitement.

"Okay, lets be best friends forever!"

Isabella blushed and looked away from the small boy with the collar shirt.

"But you're a boy, and boys have cooties!" She pointed out to him and crinkled her small little noise up.

The boy smiled big and pointed to himself. "Not me! I don't have any cooties!"

Bella laughed and shook her head yes.

"Well in that case will you play dollies with me?"

"If you want me too, I guess?"

She leaned in and gave the boy a tight hug.

"Best friends forever!" she exclaimed, with a big smile on her face. The small boy looked at Isabella with a confused face and then smiled.

"I like your teeth, you're missing one!"

"Yeah! The tooth fairy came I got a whole dollar! I like your.." She paused and thought for a second. "Holes?" She poked his cheek, he smiled bigger.

"My dimples?" The boy asked as he felt his face, trying to see what Isabella was referring to as 'holes'.

"Yeah, those!" She smiled. "I'm Isabella by the way!"

"I'm just going to call you Isa, that's too long!"

"Okay, and um, what's your name?"

"I'm Harry!"

"Well it's very, very, very lovely to meet you Harry!"

Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the castle he was building with the blocks.

"You're Isa, my pretty princess!" Harry smiled and kissed her cheek.

Isa blushed and laughed.

"I still don't believe you don't have cooties!" She exclaimed as she wiped off Harry's 'cooties'.


Isbella's mom waited for her 5 year old daughter to come out of her first day of reception. She watched as her daughters curls bounced through the group of people followed by a little boy behind her. She ran to her mum and embraced her in a tight hug.

"Mum! I made a new friend today! Mum, Harry, Harry, Mum!" Isa introduced the two, proud that she made a new friend.

"I knew you guys would find each other! I'm bringing you home today, your mum got stuck at work!"

"Wait, how do you know my mum?" Harry asked, scratching the back of his head confused.

"I work with her Harry." Leigh, Isabella's mother explain.

Isabella looked up at her mother confused, she then pulled as her mothers shirt, until Leigh bent down.

"This is the Harry mum?" She whispered into her mother's ear.

"It is baby, I knew you guys would get along, you guys are so cute." Leigh smiled, looked at the two small children in front of her. She knew that these two children were going to grow up to be great friends and go though a lot with each other.

Isa pulled her mother's shirt down, so she could whisper into her ear, once again.

"Mum stop, you're embarrassing me."

Her mum laughed and grabbed their hands.

"Come on guys let's go home and get a snack."

"Excuse me, Mrs. Isa's mum, can I hold Isa's hand?" Harry asked, remembering that his mother told him to always use his manners, and always ask before you do.

"Sure thing Harry." Leigh smiled down at the two kids.

Harry grabbed Isa's hand as they walked down to Isa's house, to start there very first play date.


That's how Harry and Isabella first met!! Hope you like the chapter will be updating again soon! Maybe sometime this week when ever we get together again to write the next chapter!!

Thanks for reading!! Love you all!!Xxx

Commmmmment! Votteeee! Fann BOTH of usss! Read our other stories?


-Britt & Nikki xx

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