Chapter 8: The Principle's Office

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Chapter 8

January 28, 2007

Isabella's Pov

Year 9

Once Harry and I arrived at school the next day we went our separate ways, him going to work things out with Will, and I was going to talk to one person in particular. As I made my way to her locker I felt as if everyone was turning their heads in my direction. I kept my head down most of the time, but on occasion, when I did look up, all I saw where dirty looks given to me. I spotted her mini black skirt, tight white shirt, with her hot pick bra bleeding through it, and smelt her cheap perfume from a mile away.

Walking straight up to her I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face me.

"We need to talk." I said sternly.

"About what? Their is nothing to talk about." Alexis said rolling her eyes at me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Alexis."

She moved in closer and whispered in my ear, "I don't know if you've heard but you're the new slut in school. I can't have people see me talking to you, they might think I've caught your STD, so if you don't mind I have to get things out of my locker."

I could feel my blood boiling, she had no right to say any of those things to me. I slammed her locker shut, she jumped back and dropped her books all over the floor.

"What the fuck Bella!" She yelled staring at all of her books on the ground.

"You think I have an STD? Do you even know what an STD is, cause last time I checked you have to have sex to get one and I'm a fucking virgin!"

"You should really stop Bella, all this fighting isn't good for the baby." She pointed down at my stomach.

"You mean your baby?" I snapped.

"That's not what the rumors are saying babe."

"Yeah the rumors you made up."

"I did didn't I? Well I guess it worked out for me." She smiled, before bending down to gather all of her books and notebooks.

"Why are you being such a bitch? I thought we were friends?"

"I would never be friends with someone that Kenzie hates."

"Kenzie? What do you mean Kenzie? I thought you guys hated each other, that's why we where friends."

"No, I just hung out with you because Kenzie told me too, why do you think Harry hated you all these years? I told Kenzie what you said and she twisted around your words." She smiled.

After about 4 years, the truth finally came out. I thought I knew Alexis and I thought we were best friends, but I guess I was wrong. I didn't think there was anything else that Mackenzie could do to me. It felt as if she spent her whole life planing out ways to ruin mine. Never once was she there for me and I thought that Alexis was different, but in the end Alexis was all part of Mackenzie's plan.

The bell rang signaling that we should start to get to our first class of the day. Immediately after the first bell the loud speaker came on, calling down four students. You guessed it, yours truly, along with Alexis, Mackenzie and Harry.

Alexis and I shot each other a look at the sound of our names.

"Look what you did now Alexis, I shouldn't be involved in this shit!" I yelled at her, only the two of us in the middle of a vacent hallway.

"Well maybe if you didn't get pregnant?"

"You know what I'm not even going to waste my breath on you, its like I'm talking to a wall because you're such a fucking moron."

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