Chapter 23: The Truth

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As much as I love Alexandria, yes I have to keep reminding myself of that right now because if I don't I know imma do or say something stupid. She really tried to fucking hide it from me though like it'd change shit between us. I mean it will but come the fuck on. I am right now clearly pissed the fuck off but that's not why though. Nah, i'm mad because she lied to my fucking face about the shit then tried to hide the shit from me. I understand it's her life & whatever but it's my fucking life too. This shit changes my life too, not just her's but apparently she didn't think about that shit. Nah, she was just thinking about her damn self. I really need to calm the fuck down but how can I when she's just sitting there acting like i'm not even in the fucking room 'n' shit?

"Alexandria", I snapped startling her. She looked me in the eyes & she looked mortified. I shook my head ignoring it, "Fucking answer me", I demanded through clenched teeth. She didn't say anything. Instead, she got up like she was about to walk away but I wasn't having it & quickly pushed her back down onto the chair.

"Where the fuck did you think you was going, huh? Alexandria, I don't give a fuck where you thought you was going but yo' ass ain't going no damn where until you answer me", I said towering over her glaring down at her. She shook her head mumbling something I couldn't understand. I grunted & slammed my hands down on the table making her damn near jump out the chair. I didn't say anything but my eyes said everything when I looked into her's. I saw tears roll down her face but at the moment I don't even give a fuck.


Ok, I should have told him but I didn't. I didn't know how. Now he found my paperwork so there isn't shit I can say to try to ease the one sided argument that's currently happening. He shouldn't be too mad at me though because I just found out the news myself yesterday but I did go to the doctor a few days ago though. That's where I went after I had tied him down to my bed because I just had a feeling something was wrong with me. I'm really hurt right now with the way he's acting towards me. It's not like I asked for this but there's nothing I can do to change it.

I sighed, "Baby I...", he cut me off. "You better not fucking lie to me", he warned. "Maybe if you'd shut the fuck up & calm down with this scaring me shit i'd tell your stubborn ass already", I mumbled to myself. "What?", he snapped. I sighed wiping away the tears that's constantly falling down my face.

"I was going to tell you. Just not right now. You really ca...", he cut me off. "I can really be mad at yo' ass right now", he yelled. I sighed & took a deep breath before continuing where I left off. "No you can't because I just found out myself yesterday. Yes, I went to the doctor a few days ago but my results weren't back until yesterday. I was trying to wait a little bit until the shit sunk in all the way for myself then tell you. I wasn't trying to hide shit from you but you think I was. You thought I was...", he cut me off again.

"Baby i'm...", I cut him off. I grunted, "If you cut me the fuck off one more time Chris. You talked without interruptions so don't interrupt me. 1. If you put your damn hands on me again like that imma fight yo' ass. 2. Let me say what the fuck I gotta say already. You kept asking, demanding answers but you won't let me fucking speak. 3. Don't doubt my intentions. I saw all that was in your eyes & that hurt more than what you said & acted like towards me. Ya know, sometimes what you don't say can hurt worse than what's said? When I was 16 the doctor told me I probably wouldn't be able to have kids after the damage from the rapes was discovered & well here I am today. I know this is the beginning of the long ass conversation we're about to have about this whole situation so before you can ask i'm a just answer a few questions for you so it can go faster. I'm only 2 weeks along. I'm ok just a bit stressed thanks to your ass but I still love you nonetheless. Yes, i'm keeping the baby. I don't believe in abortions or giving up your child because if you laid down, stood up, or whatever to make a child you can raise one. I don't know if we should move in together after I have the baby. Yes, I am going to slow up on working so hard. Do I forgive you? Yes. Am I going to let this little incident slide? Not that easily baby. Nah, you made me cry & put your hands on me so you're going to have to work with me on this. However, Christopher Maurice Brown I love you & you better hope & pray that my brothers, including Michael, Chyna, & Kae doesn't find out about that. Now you may proceed to kiss my ass", I said glaring at him.

He grabbed a chair & brought it over to me before sitting down in it. He took me by the hand, "Baby I am so so so fucking sorry for overreacting. I know I shouldn't have jumped down your throat like that", he paused smirking making me raise a brow at him. Like really this isn't the time to be thinking about that. He chuckled, "Sorry. I just found them papers under your mattress & I flipped. You gotta admit, if you was in my place & you found those papers under my mattress you would've got pissed too. I wasn't pissed that you're pregnant at all Alexandria. I was pissed that when I asked if something was wrong you lied to my fucking face. Then you wouldn't talk to me & basically hid the papers so how did you expect me not to be?", he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Well I didn't expect you to find them before I told you & I didn't lie to you. Nothing was wrong, is wrong. You do have a valid point but you still went overboard Christopher", I responded. He sighed, "I know & i'm sorry for that. So can I come to your next appointment?", he said but I could hear the plea in his voice. I smiled, "This is our baby so I expect you to be there through every step of the way with me", I responded & pecked his lips. He smiled, "Call into work, we're going to celebrate", he said. "I wa...", he cut me off.

"I didn't ask. I told you to now do it babe. We're not going to argue about this shit neither", he said. I glared at him while he simply kissed me on the cheek. "What did I tell you about cutting me off?", I asked. He pecked my lips letting his linger on mine. "Just do it", he mumbled against my lips before actually kissing me.

Yes, he got his way because I didn't feel like arguing neither & I really didn't want to go to work. I was late anyway so i'll let him think he won. Moreover, i'm actually really excited to be having a baby. I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to have children but I always knew in the back of my mind that I could. If you would've told me before I met Christopher that i'd be pregnant with his child, let alone be in a relationship with him i'd think you was delirious but here I am.

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