Chapter 5: 4 Years Old

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When I opened the door it was Kae in her pajamas shorts, Uggs & a hoodie. A part of me felt disappointted because it wasn't Alexandria like I secretly had hoped. Kae was cutting her eyes at me with her face screwed meaning this wasn't a pleasurable visit for her. Hell, it wasn't one for me neither. She's my bestfriend but I really want to close the damn door in her face. That'd be rude as hell, huh? Yeah, it would be but I also know she'd get my ass about it if I do so no. Ugh, I just want to be left alone!

"Boy, you got a lot of explaining to do", she said pushing me out the way & walking in. I closed the door sighing before turning around to a slap from her. Don't you dare think that just because she's little that she didn't put it to my ass when she slapped me. I'm almost positive she left a handprint or a bruise on my face. "What the fuck was you thinking?", she snapped at me.

Right now i'm thinking my fucking face hurts & your ass is lucky you're a woman. I sighed looking up at the ceiling trying to calm myself down. "Hey, i'm down here. Why did Alexandria call me at 2 in the morning crying 'n' shit & don't you tell me no shit like 'I don't know' neither?", she said raising her voice at me. Ok, 1. I wasn't even gone say "I don't know" but whatever & 2. Alexandria was crying? Damn, I made her cry. Ugh, can I possibly feel any worse & that's a fucking rhetorical question.

I shook my head trying to clear it. "Nigga, answer me!", Kae yelled at me. I took a deep breath before I spoke. "I made a mistake & we got into an argument. She said someshit that hit home & I flipped out on her. She tried to help me but I left & came home & well you can see some of what I did", I explained looking everywhere but at her. She shook her head before slapping me again, "Fix this shit!", she snapped & with that left without another word or look my way.

It's so late at night or early morning so I couldn't fix this shit even if I wanted to right now. Then on top of that i'm buzzed & still a little faded so I can't drive. I could but she'd be even madder at me if I do. I can't believe she was crying over me. That's the last thing I ever wanted to make her do.

I know I won't be able to sleep at all with all this shit on me so I decided to call her. When I called she didn't answer so I figured she ignored me against my better judgement of she's asleep. I had started getting lost in my thoughts when I heard the beep from her voicemail signaling for me to leave a message. I'm nervous as hell right now but I have to let her know something. I have to at least let her know that i'm ok & apologize for how I treated her.

I sighed, "Hey Alexandria, it's me Christopher. I made it home safely & Kae came by too. I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I'm sorry for hurting you & making you cry. I don't want you to walk out of my life. I really want another chance. I need another chance. I just want to talk later & if you still feel the same way after i'll leave you alone, all together because I could never be just your friend Alexandria. Please, just call or text me if that's better for you. I'm sorry, bye", I said then hung up.

I hope she reaches back out to me. Kae told me to fix it & that's what i'm trying to do. I'm not trying to fix it for her though. I'm trying to fix it for me & Alexandria. I know there's something between us & we make each other happy so why can't we work shit out?

Before her I was barely ok but with her I felt, I feel happy & calm. I feel like it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me because none of them are important to me (Team Breezy knows I love them so i'm not talking about them). Alexandria is important to me & her opinion is the only one that matters. I just need this one last chance to prove myself to her & if not then i'll try my best to move on regardless of how much I really don't want to. Just please let her call me back or at least text me.=/

«I feel good, I guess so I wrote this chapter. Hope you enjoy it & please vote & comment. I'd love some feedback. Thanks=)»

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