Chapter 22: Oh boy

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"Jordyn, who is this guy?" They say at the same time. My goodness, I have so much explaining to do. "Um, well," I said, not knowing where to begin. I smile ever so slightly, nervous for what was to come next. I wanted them to get along. I mean, my ex and my current boyfriend being friends. What could go wrong? Actually, forget I said that. I look up at both of them, gesturing for them to shake hands. Nothing happened. No movement, no smile, no nothing. They just glared at each other. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Mark asked. He said friend like Draco might say Mudblood. I know, so dorky, right? I had to act fast. I knew they were both on the verge of killing each other. "Uh... I will be right back!" I blurt out and crutch away before they have time to reply. I have absolutely no idea where I was going, so I just went back to my room. As soon as I get there, which feels like hours, I shut the door, lie down on my bed and just listen. For what, I do not know, but I just lie there. While I am listening, I do not hear anything loud downstairs, which is a relief. I do, however hear a small buzzing noise. It only takes me a short minute to realize it is only my phone. The caller ID says unknown, so I usually don't answer, but I was somehow compelled to press the accept button. As soon as I do, I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh. Laney, it's only you. Let me guess, you got a new phone. Again." I can just see her smiling. "Awe, you know me so well. Yeah, my brother kept being annoying so I accidentally threw my phone at him." I could practically see her making air quotes around accidentally.
I reply, "Yeah, well your brother is very annoying." We both laugh. What? It's true. You should meet him. The little devil. "Oh Laney! You will not guess what is happening at my house right now! Reese and Mark are downstairs alone. I'm in my room right now. I could really use some backup PLEASE!" Just then, I hear a small tap on my door. I quickly throw my phone across the room. "Come in," I say, as sweet as possible. "Hey Jordyn. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Reese asks. "Sure," I say, warily. He sits next to me and grabs my hand like someone who is grieving. "Jordyn, you are a really great girlfriend and I love you more than anything in the world," but?  "But I think we should breakup." I look into his eyes. This can not be happining right now. I am just imagining this. Right? As I search his eyes, they stay steady. He is being serious. But, why?  It is almost as if he read my mind. "I am really sorry. Me and your friend downstairs were talking about you and it seems you both have some unfinished buisness. I didn't want to do this but, I know you love him." I try to object but before I can, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug, my head resting on his strong shoulders. "I-I understand. Thank you for being a good boyfriend to me." I try planting a kiss on his cheek, but he moves his face and it lands on his lips. The light catches his eyes and they sparkle. "I love you. Thank you for the best month and a half of my life." No problem, his face seems to say. He stands up to leave, pulling me to my good foot with him and we both hug. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and quickly wipe it away. He is doing this so I can be happy with Mark. "See you later," I try to say as he leaves, yet it is inaudible. I think he hears it though, because he turns around and smiles at me. As soon as he closes my door, I remember about Laney. It takes me approximately three minutes to crawl on the floor and find my phone. My mode of transportation. Oh... What a sad life I live. "Laney! Laney?" I say, looking at the screen confused. She hung up on me. Great. Not less than a minute later, I hear the front door slam, yelling, and heavy footsteps running up the stairs. As soon as she swings my bedroom door open she rushes on, "Now I am not going to lie, I heard that whole conversation." I just stare up at her, refusing to cry. She sits down next to me and wraps her arms around me, comfortingly. "Yes. I know. Let it all out." "I- he- and Mark- I," I choked out in between tears. "Shh, save your breath," She said, stroking my ponytail. After a few moments of silence, I've (mostly) finished crying. Lane cuts the silence, "You know. Now that I think about it, that's actually the most romantic thing ever. *sigh* I would love it if a boy did that for me." I sit up abruptly and smile. Light bulb.

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