Chapter 20: No... Way...

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The next morning, I was awoken to the most annoying sound in the world. My mother's ratchet voice singing the Happy Birthday song. It was like she was telling everyone in the neighborhood we were awake. Times 10. Thousand. No offence; Love you Mom! "Ugh, I'm awake! In awake! Just keep it down!" "Why, because then I'll wake up, your boyfriend!" Oh lordy Jesus. She sounds like Laney right now. "Oh, just letting you know, I have some errands to run so I'll be out for a couple of hours. And a special birthday present will be dropped off sometime today. Just so your not, uh, taken by surprise," She said. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and I turn my head to see Reese. "I hear it's someone's birthday!" "Yup, that's me! The birthday girl!" I say, pointing my thumbs to my chest. Aparently he slept in our guest bedroom. Again. "Can you  make me special birthday pancakes?" I say as Reese comes to sit by me on the couch. "Well... I was going to take you out for breakfast, but it's your choice," He said. "Mom?" I say, turning my head. She looked back and forth from Reese to me, and back at Reese, and so on. *sigh* "Well, if you really want to." I felt like jumping up and down, but, you know, my ankle. "Thank you mom," I say.  And I really do mean it. "No problem. Now," She said looking at me with a grin, "go get dressed. There is a present from Laney on your bed." Of course Laney got me something. I had a sneaking suspicion I knew what it was. So I hobbled up the stairs for what seemed like forever, and turned right and went straight for a few paces, and entered my secret chamber of darkness. *cue maniacal laugh* Just kidding! It's my room😊 I crutch my way over to my bed and, sure enough, there is a shiney, blue package sitting right in the open with a card reading:
Sup lady. It's you girl Laney, wishing you a happy birthday! Hope you had an awesome date, cause if you didn't, come and tell me. I will personally knock out all his teeth out for you.
I laugh at that thinking, Oh boy. What am I going to do with you. Pfft, that's why you don't have a boyfriend. You scare them all off. I read the rest:
And don't you be laughing at me, cause I know you will. And you know me good enough that I will do it. Anyways, love you. Hope you enjoy what's in the package. ~Laney
My lord, that was long card. What was she thinking, that I wanted to read a book? 
(A/n: Cough cough, Melanny)
___Continue reading below please!____

As I was silently laughing to myself, I ripped open the package faster than you can spell hi, and it's only two letters long. And inside their was just the gift I was expecting because my bestie knows me that well.

I swear to lordy Jesus that I have been eyeing this dress for months! I guess it took someone this long to buy it, but oh well! I quickly, or as fast as my leg allows me to, change into the dress, put on my whit ballet flats with crisscross ankle ...

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I swear to lordy Jesus that I have been eyeing this dress for months! I guess it took someone this long to buy it, but oh well! I quickly, or as fast as my leg allows me to, change into the dress, put on my whit ballet flats with crisscross ankle straps and head down stairs. As soon as I got to the living room, both my mom and Reese turn my way. I suddenly feel very shy. My mom took a step forward, "Wow Sweetheart, you look-" "Great," Reese says, finishing mom's sentence unknowingly. He suddenly looked red as an apple. I blushed a tiny bit, "Thanks." We stood in silence for a moment then my stomach decided it wanted attention. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go eat!"
"That was literally the best birthday breakfast I've ever had. Thanks again, by the way," I say, crutching my way through the door. "Oh yeah, no problem. Anything for the best birthday girl in the world. Well, besides my mom." I look at him, laughing and playfully hit him on the shoulder. He walks past me to the kitchen, asking if I want anything. "No, we just ate remember? Mom, we're home!" I called out. Oh, right. She's shopping right now. I see Reese's head around the corner, "She's n-" "Yeah, I just remembered." He gave me a thumbs up. "Hey, what are you doing in there?" I ask suspiciously. "Nothing! Just don't come in here! It's a surprise!" He replies quickly but he sounds like he's in the guest room now. I giggle. Loving mom, awesome boyfriend, and great friends. Could life get any better? Just then the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I yell, already halfway to the door. When get there, I pause, putting my ear to the door to see if I could hear them talking. And when I open the door and partially regret getting off the couch. "Happy Birthday, Jordyn," He says with a warm smile. I guess my question has been answered.

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