Chapter 11: Partners

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"Today, I will be assigning partners for your Web Design project," Mrs. Jackson told us. Right now, I was in 6th period, which is computer science. I was so nervous! Although, I was always nervous when it came to partners because my partner always, either, made me do the whole project or was criticizing me, while I was doing my my fair share of the project, the whole time! So, as you can tell, I was not a fan of partner projects.
Mrs. Jackson started to call out whos with who, "Okay, partners. Laney and Lauren, Sasha and Kaylee, Kaitlyn and," well, you get the picture. As she got down to the last groups, it was down to three boys, and me. Great, I have to work with a boy, I thought, while rolling my eyes. "Reece will be with Mark, and the other Reese will be with Jordyn," Mrs. Jackson exclaimed. I heard snickering in the back of the room, and guess who it was! My dear friends and all of the popular girls. Huh. I guess, even though I'm hurt, laughing at me is okay. Plus, they obvious haven't forgetten about what happened in the cafeteria Monday. It's times like these, I wish the school didn't have a gossip blog. I mean, it was Monday! And today is Friday! They should've forgotten by now. Unfortunately, at this school, news goes around quickly. I did my best to try and forget they were laughing at me. I looked around to try and find my partner, but when I did, he was laughing too. Oh my goodness, is he laughing me? Oh, come on Jordyn, don't be crazy... But what if he is laughing at me!? I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and noticed my cheeks were burning at the touch. Wanting to cry, I ran to the bathroom after getting permission to leave. Hey, I'm still a good kid.
A few minutes later, I heard a soft rap on door. "Jordyn, are you in here?" I recognized Laney say. "Y-yes," I managed to squeak, while trying to keep the "water works" off. "Oh, Jordyn," She said, in her sweet, calming voice. I tried to talk but all I could do is cry. She hugged me in a tight embrace for what seemed like an eternity. All I wanted to do was stay here; I didn't want to leave. To go out into the cruel world that is high school. What made me come back to earth was a soft knock on the door. "Jordyn? Laney? Are you in here?" I heard a familiar voice say. Laney pulled back from the hug and looked at me. Her face was understanding and calming but her eyes asked the question all on their own. I nodded to her saying it was okay. As she got the door, I "crutched" my way over to the sinks and attempted to wash my face so it didn't look like I had been crying. Man, everything was so much harder to do with crutches. I couldn't wait to be off them. After washing my face and drying my hands, I heard/ eavesdropped Laney and the other voice bickering. "Laney, is everything okay?" I questioned. She answered nervously, "Uh, their is someone here who wants to speak to you." I noticed a bit of edge in that sentence. Whoever was that the door, Lanie obviously didn't like them. As Laney turned the corner, she looked flushed. Like that argument took all the energy out of her. "Can I come in?" They voice asked. "Yes, it is just us! Hurry up!" Laney explained - yelled. I was facing the mirror so I could see the doorway. I saw a tall figure standing their, with their back to me as they locked the door. It took me a few seconds to realize it was a boy. Wait, I only know two boys and one of them moved. No... I can't be. But yes, yes it was. It was Reese.
• • •
"Hey Reese, how are you? Why are you here? You do know this is the girls room, right?" I asked, talking really fast. And nervously. Obviously. Now, to tell you the truth, I don't exactly know why I'm nervous but I have a hunch. "Hi, I'm good, I'm here because we need to work on the project and asking you if you are okay, and yes," he answered, giving a small laugh, " I am aware I'm in the girls room. But it's fine because we are the only ones in here." He looked around warily. "We are the only ones in here, right?" I giggled; Since when did vulnerability get so cute, I thought to myself. I gave him a smile, trying to be cute. "You have a really pretty smile. That's what I like about you," he said, flirty-ishly. We both automatically caught his "mistake" and he tried to "make it less akward"; that didn't work. "Wait, no I'm not saying I like you. But I do like you, but not like you like you. Cause we're just friends. Soo,Yeah," he said, stumbling. Me: "Why are you making me laugh, I'm supposed to mad at you," I said, out of breath from laughing. He looked at his watch and told me that we had a few minutes before the bell rang to go to 7th period. I told him I would go out in the hall and tell him if the coast was clear. He made a way for me to get to the door. So I unlocked and opened it and looked around the hallway. I had just remembered I needed to tell Reese something, so I turned around to face him. "Hey, Reese I-" When I did, he was inches away from my face. "I just wanted to s-." I didn't get to finish my sentence because, right then, Reese kissed me. On. The. Lips! At first I was shocked; I was not expecting that. At all. After a moment, he slid his hand around my back and I kissed him back. A minute later, we both pulled away. "What was that?" I asked him, pulling my hair out of my face. "I kissed you. Obviously," he answered. Crap, the bells about to ring. "We got to go, the bells going to ring." I said, worried. I started to walk-crutch away when he asked me, "Shall I carry your stuff for you?" Me: "Yes please" I said, giggling.

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