Chapter 10: Crutches

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After school that day, Laney had to help me get off the bus and walk home. It turns out, Mrs. Hernandez called my mom about the ankle, so mom scheduled an appointment at our local Urgent Care.
While we were sitting in the waiting room, she asked me what happened at school. At first, I attempted to lie, but I didn't get far. "I, uh, fell off my... skateboard?" Mom turned towards me, "Okay. So, first of all, skateboards aren't aloud at school. Second, you don't have one." Yes, I know I'm a terrible liar; people can easily tell when I'm not being honest. This is why I'm so trustworthy. So I had to tell her the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Well, except for the Reese, hands on hips, almost kiss part. I am not ready for her to know about that yet. Or about me kissing him. "Well. Okay," My mom said, aparently speachless. Just then, the RN showed us to a room to x-ray my ankle. Ever heard the expression, butterflies in my stomach? Well, I have a whole swarm of them right now.
The whole process felt like it took forever. It wasn't the x-ray that took so long, which only took about 20 minutes. It was us finding out that I needed crutches, and me freaking out about it. This is my mom: "Well, it might take a little while to get used to them but we can handle it." This is me: "Wait,what!? No way! I have a track meet on Saturday! I don't have time for crutches!" As you can tell, I was peeved and didn't have time for them. I have track practices and meets, I was about to start my 4th year on my competitive dance team(hip hop& ballet), and I have marching band practice after school. Yeah, I know I am super busy. "Well, sweetheart, if you want to get better sooner, you are going to have to use the crutches. If you use them, it will only take about two months to walk on it again. If you use your ankle, it won't heal as fast. Plus if you don't use crutches, you will have to wear a boot and your ankle will take a year to heal," the nurse explained. "I have made my decision. Crutches it is!" I exclaimed.
And then I had to learn to maneuver with them. That took a lot out of me; I fell more times than I would have liked. I now have a bruise on my hip and shoulder.
I can't wait to see how my friends react.
• • •
Speachless. That's how they reacted.
I "walked" into school Friday morning and, as soon as I came through the door, all I got was stares. I could tell everyone was in shock. You see, our schools track team went to state last year and won. Not to brag but, that was all thanks to me. Plus, they voted me MVP. They all expect good things out of me and if I am injured, good things can't happen.
"Hello. Anyone home?" I asked my friends, waving my hand in front of their faces. Lauren was the first to speak up, "How long do you have to be on crutches." They all looked at me, waiting. "Um," All of the sudden, my throut started feeling really dry, "about two months." I heard a gasp in the back the "crowd" surrounding me, with my friends in front. "Are you aware that the homecoming dance is two months from Thursday?" Someone from the back of the "crowd" asked. Well I am now, I thought to myself. I felt like I was being interviewed. "Yes, I am. I might not be able to go, though, due to my situation," I answered, trying to act calm. I heard murmurs in the crowd. Acting as my bodyguards, all of my friends yelled for everyone to move so I could get to first period. As I started to turn, I thought I saw Reese walking away from the crowd in my peripheral vision, but I could be mistaken.

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