Chapter 17: Sorry

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Friday morning, Mom called the school to let them know we were not going to be there that day, and Reese's parents, to let them know that he's okay. Leaning against the railing, I hobbled down stairs. As I neared the kitchen, I heard voices. "Good morning sweetie," my mom said. "Hmm," I groaned. "Oh Ms. Barela. She's just a little grumpy, that's all." They both laughed together. Turns out, Reese and Mom had been talking for hours. About what? I don't know. But, oh well. When I got in the kitchen table, I saw a plate of perfectly stacked pancakes. Mom aparently saw me looking at them because she cleared her throat, which made me look at her, and said, "Wasn't it so nice of Reese to make pancakes for breakfast?" She said, looking at me. "Yeah, sure." I said, forcing a smile. I looked over at him, as he searched my face. I gave him the same fake smile I displayed for Mom just minutes ago. After grabbing her morning cup of coffee, mom left the room, leaving us alone. Normally around him, I would be so nervous I couldn't even be able to talk to him. My palms would be sweaty, I would have butterflies. But now, I felt nothing. I just felt left out. Betrayed. He was the first one to break the ice. He cleared his throut, "Hey, listen. I am sorry about yesterday-" I cut him off, spinning around to see him. "Why? Why didn't you tell me? And why did you kiss Tae?" I was doing my best to contain the tears and my anger. I hate being on crutches! Fast is not fast enough. "Just please, let me explain," Reese pleaded. "Fine. But..." I faded off. "But what?" He questioned. I hesitated before speaking. "Do you have your drivers license yet?" I asked, acting cute.
• • •
After ordering a chocolate smoothie, a slice of lemon pound cake and a Double Chocolate Chip Créme Frappuccino (his order, not mine) from Starbucks, we decided to take a walk around the mall and talk. Well, he was walking. I'm on crutches.
"So," Reese said akwardly. "Boy, you got some explaining to do. So start talking." He looked surprised at first, but then he started talking. "Well, I don't know what to say, so I'll just start by saying Tae and I dated last year and I broke up woth her. But she kissed me. I didn't kiss her. I don't even like her anymore. I actually never liked her like that. My friends set me up with her." I admitted, "Okay, that kind of makes me feel better. But what about you and the fainting?" That can't be a coincidence. It's almost as if he read my mind because not a second later he responded, "It's not a coincidence. We are both..." "Sick," we said at the same time. He nodded, "That's right. With the exact condition." I was speachless.
• • •
After almost four hours of shopping, we decided to grab lunch. When we reached th car... "Hey. Uh, do you think we could go to Lone Star Pizza for lunch?" I asked. He just stared at me. "Please?" I begged. He finally gave in, "Okay."
As we entered the parking lot, I could've sworn I heard him say "I'd do anything for you." About fifteen minutes later, we got our food and sat at a booth. Mmm. Delicious as always. Seconds later, Reese interrupts my train of thought,"Hey, so, uh. Are you doing anything next Friday?"
"Um, yeah. School," I answer sarcastically. He throws his head down in laughter. "No. I mean, are you doing anything that night." "Nothing. Why?" He was acting so weird. He looks cute when he's nervous. But why? There is no need to be nervous. He looked straight into my eyes, looking very serious, and said the six words every teenage girl awaits and dreads. "Will you go out with me?"

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