Chapter 7: The truth

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"Ugh, where am I?" I said, feeling groggy. I sat up and saw Laney and Reese sitting in some kind of waiting room. "Sweet hart, your in the nurses office," I heard a familiar voice say. What the? I hadn't expected someone to answer me. "Oh, hello Mrs. Hernandez. How are y-?"
"I'm fine, but your not. Sweetie, you need to lie back down and drink this." she said in a hurried manner. I took the drink from her hand and smelled it. "Uh, do I have t-? Wait, why am I in here anyways?" I asked, skeptically.
She thought, hesitantly, for a few seconds before speaking, carefully choosing what she was going to say next. "Guys, you can come on in," she said, opening a door that leads to the waiting room. They came inside the nurses office. "Have you told her yet mom? I mean, Mrs. Hernandez," Laney said, correcting herself. "Tell me what? Laney, another secret?" I said, feeling like I've been stabbed in the back. "Not necessarily; It's part of the same one from this morning," she said, choosing her words. "What?! You can't be serious." "Actually, I am being serious," her face looking like she stepped on rock. I looked behind Laney and her mom, to see Reese looking a little uncomfortable. He gave me a weak, forced smile which kinda made me feel better, but then I remembered what went down in the lunch room earlier. I turned my head enough to see Laney smirking at us. I cleared my throut and then asked, "Soo... is someone going to tell me what's going on?" We all sat their, staring at each other for a few seconds. "A-hem. Laney, do the honors?" Mrs. Hernandez told her, more in a statement than a question. "Okay. So, you know how this morning went," I nodded; I couldn't speak, I had a feeling this wouldn't go over well. "Well..." Laney obviously didn't know what to say. "Jordyn, you're sick and the reason why you passed out at lunch is because of that," Laney's mom said, finishing for her. "Okay, let me get this straight. I am sick, which I found out this morning, and I passed out at lunch because of my sickness, right?" I asked. Laney and Mrs. Hernandez nodded at the same time. I asked her, "But, why. And how, how did you know that I was sick?" now I was worried and concerned. "Me and your mom have been talking recently, and, since she knew I was the nurse at this school, she told me all about the illness. So, if you have any questions, you can ask me," She said, assuring me. "I have a few. Question one, why did I pass out and, question two, what is the illness?" I really wanted to know. "Okay, one, the real reason is a really long explanation, so I'll shorten it up. But first, I'll answer the second one. It might answer the question one. The illness is extremely rare, and only one other kid in this school besides you has it. It is called GMSD, or the Gene Mutation Stress Disorder; when you had a gene mutation, during your mom's pregnancy, something in the cells happened which caused the illness to form inside you," "So, when I got angry and stressed at lunch the illness kicked in and that's why I passed out." I said, piecing it all together. "Yes, the gene code is G7W," she informed me. Now I was curious, "You said their was another person who had it. Can you tell me who it is?" "I-i'm sorry. I can't give out personal information."
"Oh, okay," I said, disappointedly. I looked past them two, to see Reese, who was turned around. Yet, he was turned a little to the left, enough to see he was sad. It made me smile, and my spirits lifted a little. He spun around to face me, walked over to the bed and knelt down, which caught me by surprise and he asked me, "Are you going to be okay?" We all just stared at him for a few minutes. Omg, I don't think he's looked cuter than he does now, I thought. Snap out of it, Jordyn.
"Well, she should be okay, unless, you know, she gets as stressed or angry as she did at lunch." Mrs. Hernandez answered him. "Well, that shouldn't be hard," Laney said, sarcastically. I scolded her, then laughed. That was a good one. Her mom checked her watch, and told Laney and Reese they had to leave. "Get some rest, sweetie. I'll check on you later," she told me. Mrs. Hernandez and Laney left the room, and, as soon as Reese stood up, I don't know what came over me. "Hey, Reese?" "Yeah?" He turned towards me. "T-thanks for bringing me to the nurse." I gently grabbed his hand. What the heck am I doing? "No problem," he said, his eyes softening while sitting down beside me. "Oh. I forgot, I think you have to leave now," I said to him, almost in the whisper. "Oh, right. I'll see you tomorrow." As he started to walk away, I stood up, walked over to him, looked him in the eyes, and kissed him on the cheek.
As I pulled away, gently, he looked shocked at first, then gave me a smile. I smiled back at him. "See you tomorrow, Reese." "You too, Jordyn. Hope you feel better," he said. He left the room, and I layed back down on the bed. From that moment on, I couldn't stop smiling.

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