Chapter 1

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"Get up Asshole." Someone says while pouring a Cup of water on me.
"What the hell?" I say startled. I realize it's Mr.Spears my Foster dad.
"Get your ass up you have school today and the sooner we get your ass out of here the sooner me and Mrs.Spears can have our fun." Mr.Spears tells me.
I get up and roll my eyes. By fun Mr.Spears means having a boatload of sex until I come home from school.
I go to my closet and find myself a outfit for the day. I finally decide on my Hamilton sweatshirt and leggings.
Let me tell you about myself My name is Brielle Jackson and I'm 11 years old I am a musical theater freak and my favorite has got to be Hamilton.
I go to the bathroom and take a shower i'm in the shower for 2 minutes when Mrs.Spears is pounding her gigantic Monkey hands on the door.
"Your ass is clean now get out my shower." She yells through the door.
I turn the shower off and put a towel over me and go to my room.
I change into my clothes and go downstairs to get my backpack.
"I'm leaving!" I yell to the Spears upstairs.
"I don't care!" Mrs.Spears awnsers.
"Like I give a shit!" Mr.Spears says.
Tears well in my eyes but I just grab my iPod that was charging on the table and my headphones and walk to school listening to Hamilton.
"I'm looking for a mind at work work." I sing softly. I would be a dream if I met Renee Elise Goldsberry she seems so awesome in the videos online and on Instagram I wonder if she is like that in real life.
When I finally reach school I go inside and go to my locker but then I am stopped by Greg Culkin and his little posse.
Just great. Greg never fails to make my life miserable.
"Hey Bitch." He says to me kicking me in the knee.
I grab my knee and cry out in pain.
"Can't you leave me the fuck alone?" I ask Greg putting my books and stuff in my locker.
"No it will just be so heartbreaking." Greg says fake whimpering.
I roll my eyes.
"Please leave me alone." I say softly again. But the next thing I know i'm kicking Greg in the balls and running for my life to homeroom. Once inside I sit down in my usual seat in the back and take a deep breath. At least Greg wasn't in any of my classes that would be hell if he was.
The Homeroom teacher Ms.Banks is on her phone and isn't paying attenion to us so I take out my iPod and listen to some Theater music. I swear I hate shuffle play it just played Stay Alive Reprise then Who lives who dies who tells ur story and then It's quiet Uptown.
It took everything in me not to cry.
When the bell rings for my next class I silently pray I don't see Greg and his asshole friends in the hall. I take a deep breath and brace myself for the rest of the day.

At lunch I sit at my usual spot at the window and eat my Turkey sandwhich when Clarissa Armstrong and her Barbie doll Posse come walking up to me.
"What's your damage Brielle?" She asks me.
I roll my eyes this girl never failed to make my life miserable as well.
"I didn't cause any." I awnser eating my sandwhich again.
"Why are you messing with Greg?" Clarissa asks.
"I wasn't messing with him he was messing with me first." I tell Clarissa. "And why is that any of your business?" I ask.
"Don't ask the Queen questions." One of Clarissas minions I snort.
"Shutup Ashley I can handle my own battles." Clarissa tells her minion. The girl nods and backs down.
"And it's my business because Greg is my boyfriend." Clarissa tells me.
"And I care why?" I ask.
Clarissa starts to turn red.
"Don't make me kick your ass Brielle i'm not afraid." Clarissa tells me.
I laugh.
"Do it." I order.
Clarissa hesitates but then clutches her $200.00 hand bag.
"Your not worthy of getting your ass kicked Greg will do it after school." Clarissa tells me she gathers her squad and they walk away.
Finally I can eat my sandwhich in peace without any interruptions.

When school is over I decide to walk to central Park when i'm inside the Park. Greg spots me and punches me in the nose. I grab my nose as Blood leaks from it. Then Clarissa kicks me in the stomach and I fall to the ground.
I hear a cackle of laughter.
"This is what shits like you deserve." Greg says laughing him and Clarissa high five.
"Leave her alone." Someone says.
Greg and Clarissa look at the lady and smirk.
"And what are you going to do?" Clarissa asks.
The lady does the same smirk back.
"I can call the police and have them put you in jail people can do that you know." The lady tells Clarissa and Greg.
"Dang lady chill." Greg says before him and Clarissa run off.
The lady helps me up and we go to a nearby Park bench and sit down.
"Are you ok?" The lady asks me.
I nod and rub my eyes everything was just a blur.
"What's your name?" The lady asks.
"Brielle Jackson." I awnser.
"I'm Renee." The lady says. "Renee Elise Goldsberry."
I internally scream Renee Elise Goldsberry just saved me from dying.
"Your the Renee Elise Goldsberry!" I exclaim.
Renee laughs.
"I guess you know me." She says.
"Know you i'm a huge fan of you." I tell her.
Renee laughs again but then her face turns concerned.
"Brielle not to get to personal but are you abused at home?" Renee asks me.
I immediately don't know how to awnser that if I told Renee this Mr.and Mrs.Spears would kick my ass really hard but I needed to escape that shitty foster home.
"Yes." I confess and start to cry all the tears I have been holding for the past 11 years have been holding in came out all at once.
"Baby please don't cry." Renee tells me.
I wipe my tears.
"Cmon we're going back to your house and your coming to live with me." Renee tells me.
A part of me of happy and another part of me is scared what is Mr.and Mrs.Spears get angry and hit me right in front of Renee.
We go in Renees car and she plays some Hamilton to calm me down. She plays The schuyler sisters and we start to sing along.
"You're a good singer." Renee tells me.
"Not as good as you." I say.
Renee smiles.
"With a little practice you could be just as good as me." Renee tells me and that makes me smile.
When we reach the Spears my stomach churns.
"Will you come in with me?" I ask.
Renee nods and we get out the car and we walk to the doorstep together.
Mr.spears opens the door in his boxers and nothing else on.
"Brielle where the hell have you been?" He asks angrily.
"She's been at the Park getting beat up." Renee says. "And where have you been?" Renee asks Mr.Spears.
"That's none of your business and who the fuck are you?" Mr.Spears asks.
"Renee Elise Goldsberry and I'm taking Brielle away from you considering that you are a unfit parent." Renee tells Mr.Spears.
"Go you can take her." Mr.Spears tells Renee. "We never wanted your ass anyway."
"Hey Joanne Brielles leaving." Mr.Spears yells to Mrs.Spears upstairs.
We hear Mrs.Spears scream a happy scream.
"Hallelujah praise the Lord." She says.
Me and Renee go upstairs to my and pack all my stuff.
"This is all you have?" Renee asks.
I nod.
"Me and Jazzy and Pip definitely need to take you shopping." Renee tells me and I smile.
"Thanks Renee for everything i'd probably be in this room crying if it weren't for you." I say.
Renee smiles.
"No problem." She says.
When we are done packing we go downstairs and Mr.Spears hollers.
"Woohoo by you shit." He says.
I roll my eyes and walk out Renee.
When i'm back in the car and we're driving away I take one more look at the hell hole that used to be my home. Goodbye old Hello new.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora