chapter 20

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Dedicated to LV1D12, one of my friends on wattpad. She just started a book of her own, which is pretty good, so please give her a try!


Niall didn't say anything. He was just sitting, looking at me intently, studying me. 

"I mean its okay if you're not. I completely understand. We can go back to being just friends..."

And thats when he leaned over, and gently cupping my face with his hands, he kissed me. 


Much too soon, she pulled away, and leaned her forehead against mine, grinning. 

"How could you even think I'd give up on you?" I asked her, my voice soft, our faces inches from each other, her hands still holding my chin.  

"I..I thought you'd changed your mind, when you didn't say anything." Came her weak reply.   

"I was trying to find words to tell you how I felt about you, how none of our past matters anymore. But then I realized... Actions speak louder than words."

She beamed in reply, and moved in further, but just then we heard a loud bang and some whooping behind us. Shocked, we turned to see the others noisily entering, their mouths stretched into huge grins. 

"Awww Look who's all lovey dovey and couply!" Cried out Louis in an overly exaggerated tone, making all of us giggle. El, dani and Zayn still hadn't arrived, but Harry, Liam and Lou did more than enough of their share of teasing us. 

Somehow I didn't seem to mind. 

A couple of minutes after the boys had gotten seated, ordered everyone milkshakes, and were discussing football, Aria suddenly leaned forward and whispered, 

"Let's get out of here."

Silently, I nodded, smiling. Immediately i got up, and taking her hand pulled her up too. 

"We're going for a walk lads. Meet you all back at the beach. Say hi to Ed from me." I quickly informed them, and with a wink started walking out the door, pulling a giggling aria along with me. 

As I opened the door of the diner and stepped out into the cool air, I intertwined my fingers through aria's. And i know it sounds so clichéd but her soft hand fit into mine so perfectly, it was like it was meant to be. 

"Don't you think Ed'll mind us going off like this?" Aria asked, my smile reflected on her face. 

"Umm yeah he might. But right now, I really couldn't care less." I replied, making her chuckle. 

For the next few minutes, we walked in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the other's presence. We weren't heading anywhere, just letting our feet and our minds take us wherever they wanted to. All around us was darkness, broken by the occasional streetlight. The street was deserted, and the sky was no more than an inky black expanse, without a single star in the sky.

It was beautiful.

I could feel the heat from her hand flow into mine. I could hear our hearts hammering in our chests, matching each other beat for beat. 

For the first time in a long time, I could sense... Clarity. 

Suddenly the silence was pierced by the sound of her cellphone ringing. Puzzled, she pulled it out of her pocket, wondering who on earth would call her at 4am. 

As she pressed the reject button, I noticed that the ringtone she had set was "yellow", by Coldplay. I loved that song.

She replied to my quizzical look, by saying that she usually didn't pick up unknown number, especially at such odd times. 

"Anyway, I didn't know you liked Coldplay too." I smiled, as I asked. Every second I seemed to be discovering new stuff about her. 

"Like? More than LOVE them!" She replied excitedly. And without further ado, we started talking about the musical genius of Chris Martin, with inserts about the other kinds of music she liked.  

By the time it was nearing 4, we found ourselves walking along the edge of the ocean, laughing and talking about the most random things. It was so easy talking to her, like I'd known her forever.  

She had just opened her mouth to exclaim her great love for John Mayer, when her phone started blaring out again. 

"It's the same number that was calling earlier." She observed, in dilemma whether she should pick up or not. 

"Why don't you answer and see what whoever it is wants?" I suggested, and after a another second of deliberation, she pressed 'answer'. 


"Hello?" I spoke into my phone, one hand still entwined with Niall's. Niall...I could hardly believe everything that had happened. I could still feel his kiss lingering on my lips, leaving them tingling, and the warmth in his eyes melting me. 

" keep making me weak, frozen and can't breathe." The lyrics flowed through my head, making me realize how apt thy were for the situation. 

I was brought back to Earth by the voice on the other side. 


That voice. That voice...

Immediately, without thinking again, I cut the call. 

"Who was it, love?" Asked the sweet boy beside me. 

"Oh just a wrong number" I replied, shaking myself and composing myself again. 

Here I was, holding the hand of the guy I liked, walking along the beach, and feeling like I was on the top of the world. 

I wasn't going to let anything spoil this. 

A/N: hey!! It's been so long. I am so extremely sorry abt the long wait. I've just been...caught up. 

My twitter is @Gari_Agarwal, and my is GariAgarwal  

Follow me :)  

Hope u liked the chapter. Sorry it's not proofread. It's just like a filler. I wanted them some happy time, because 1) there is much in store for them, and everyone deserves some happiness. 2) I've been pretty happy myself for the past week. :D

Also, some of you have been suggesting that I should come up with a name for aria and Niall. Truthfully, I can't come up with anything. So it u do think of something, message me and I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter :)

Thanks again for reading. If you liked it, please don't forget to vote/comment/share/add to your reading lists. :D suggestions and comments always welcome. 

I promise I'll try and update soon!



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