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 The Huntsman did as the voice had bade. Although archaic his words the huntsman recognized a part of the voices words from an old poem. "Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers each night may become a wolf when the wolf-bane blooms and the autumn moon is bright." The huntsman knew that he must find a grave and from its merth pick the wolfs bane for his love and thus make a pact with the devil to bring her back from deaths domain.

      As vomit crept its way up my throat, Alecsandr’s eyes stared up towards my window protruding his presence into my room making me feel as if he were in here with me. The thoughts of him turning all wolfie came back into my mind; how he quickly shrugged off his human skin to become my feral executioner so many nights ago. I had thought that he no longer frightened me, yet as I soon realized he very much did. Or was my fear much more domestic? I shuddered and stumbled back from the window tripping on the one chair that sat in the center of my room. Falling to the wooden floor with a great thud, I let myself lay there letting my hair fall into my face, breathing slowly in an attempt to calm my thundering heart. My side throbbing as it remembered the pain of being tore into. 

 “He’s here. Alec is alive…and he’s here.” I said aloud. 

That meant that somehow he escaped the death sentence Mikhail had sworn Alecsandr would receive. That despite all of the people who Alec killed or made suffer, he was still breathing. At the time it felt so wrong to let Mikhail execute Alec, yet now as my enhanced senses began to flourish I could now sense something within Alec that weeks ago, me as a human would have never known. As Alec looked in at me from the ground, I too looked in at him. I looked with eyes of a human who would turn into a werewolf. My new senses told me that Alecsandr was a monster. That night when I interfered in something I shouldn’t have a monster was left to scourge the earth; when the earth should have tasted his blood. 



HMPH. She looks good enough to eat. I thought to myself, as Jamie stared down at me from her perch; Like a hopeless baby chick staring down at a hungry snake. Saw something like that on the Animal planet channel, nature can be so cruel. Even as the snake made its way up the tree to the birds’ nest, the chick’s parents swooped and squawked at the snake in an attempt to save their helpless offspring. Stupid. In the end the snake had a full gut and the nest was left empty. I snickered and turned away from her window heading back into the trees. Walking for a bit while contemplating about my little chickadee Jamie. 

She’s been put into a metamorphose room. Her and that one kid…what was his name? John? Who gives a fucks sake. The real story of interest is Jamie. Mikhail learned from my first visit to cover his ass and guard the doors so I couldn’t come visit her. Figured I get a peek at her from here eventually. Good things to come to those who wait. HA! She’s changing too, and fast from the looks of it. This made me smile a bit, who would have known the girl had it in her. Rumor had it that she threw Mikhail on his ass on her first shudder! HELL, the little bitch had enough strength to put me into a choker hold, I’m guessing she’s going to be powerhouse that’s for sure. I was far enough from the main compound so I’d be undisturbed. I stopped walking and began looking around in the foliage for some nightshade plant. 

Specifically tobacco, since I had finished my last pack and those pricks up at the custom store wont sell me any more cigs. Something about my probation and punishment and blah fucking blah. So I’m looking for ingredients to make my own. Never did it before though, cant be too hard; dry the leaves them smoke em. Easy. I bent low searching sniffing the air and different plants, keeping my hands busy enough but all I could think about was her. She’s going to be a beautiful werewolf. I concluded. Strong, cunning, and definitely not brainwashed like the other jackoffs in the “Settlement.”  

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