|| Chapter 26 ||

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As I got home I got into my night wear. I layer on my bed watching YouTube with my dodgy twinkly lights.
Last night was surprisingly fun.

Dad was at work again with Ryan. How could he even stand working for him, let alone with him.

I wonder what everyone is doing now...
Isaac might be out....
Ivy and Levi might still be together.

I sulked because I wasn't with anyone.


I woke up the next morning. Monday. The worst. I got ready and headed out the door without saying bye to my dad. I clung onto my back all the way there.
I don't feel right. Something is wrong. I just can't seem to place my finger on it.
The blank feeling was back. The feeling of uncertainty and the deepest moments when you feel bad about yourself. Great. Just what I need on a Monday.

I enter school keeping my head down.
Something doesn't feel right, I keep thinking.
I walk to class and sit down. Not realising its Geography. My head falls into my hands. I look up and see Isaac hands on my desk looking down at me.
"What?" I say, thinking it sounded nicer in my head. He jerked his head back and smiled.
"What's wrong, SweetCheeks," he lifted my chin with his hand.
"Does something feel weird to you?" I ask curious.
"Not with you it doesn't," he smiled and sat next to me. I smile and look down.

Something is wrong...

I keep my head down through out the whole lesson. My hands fumbling to grab onto something. I pick up my bag at the end of the lesson and exit the room.

During the day it comes to lunch. Finally. I search for Ivy and I spot her with Levi.
"Hey," Ivy says smiling.
"Hey," I mumble.
I sit down opposite them holding hands.
"I am gonna go grab a drink," Levi kissed Ivy's head and headed for the cafeteria.
"Wow, so your relationship moved fast," I say.
"Yes! It's amazing!" She says squealing.


The rest of the day moved on slow. My blank phase had finally stopped and I was back to normal. I have butterflies in my stomach whirling around for some reason. The door bell rang and I was soon going to find out why. I opened it and Isaac stood there.
"Hey," he said.
I smiled and hugged him. I don't know why, I just had the urge to.
"Starbucks?" He asked hugging me tighter. I nodded and smiled.

We entered Starbucks, there Halloween decorations still up. I sit down in the usual spot and glance around.
"Iced mocha?" He asked. I nodded and watched him walk to the counter.
I like him so much, I just don't have the confidence to tell him...
He comes back with two drinks. He hands one to me and smiles. I sip the liquid out of the straw and then look up at him.
"Sorry I didn't talk much today, I just had an off day," I explain what happened.
"It's okay," he said. We sit there taking little sips of the beverages.
"So, do you want to go to the movies with Ivy and Levi sometime?" He asked.
"Yeah that would be great," I smile.
I get to spend more time with him.
Butterflies rush through my stomach as I think what it would be like. I blush and look down. He chuckles and looks into my eyes.
He seems so perfect...

I look into Isaacs blue eyes but something else catches my eyes. Olivia is stomping and shouting at one of her popular friends. I frown because they have always been friends. Olivia storms into the shop sitting in the farthest corner. She sulks as she doesn't notice us there. I find that Olivia's friend was staring at me. Wait, no. Isaac...

Sorry this was short!!!!
Got a lot on my mind so it maybe more descriptive than normal.
Does anyone else get blank phases? Or is it just me?
Thank you for reading!!
Read more to find out if Olivia is okay! And why her friend might be staring at Isaac!

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