|| Chapter 7 ||

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I finished the boring school day and recognize that I had not seen Isaac all day. I take no notice of it and hop in Ivy's car ready to go to fan-fiction meeting. I do ship Luna and Nileo but I don't show it as much as Ivy. She had always been a bigger fan even though I had show it to her first, she had instantly fell in love with nearly all of the characters. We listened to one of their songs, me and Ivy know all the words but I didn't sing that much. I get really conscious of what people will think of it so I don't sing often. I always think that I sound like a bird who is being violently stabbed by a WoodPecker.

We entered the room full of shippers and they all turned their heads to look at us, and suddenly turned back to each other to carry on their convocations. But only one didn't. He started to move towards us. He had jet black hair with ocean blue eyes. I looked at Ivy and she smiled. I smiled with her, she looked so happy to be here.
"Hey Levi, this is Leora and Leora this is Levi." Her hands gestured to both of us. He didn't take his eyes off Ivy until she had finished.

I ship it already!

"Oh hey, so your a fan of Hopeless Dreams? I had heard of this Anime and as I like the art I had decided to take a look and join in and take a look at the art and might as well join in on this weird shipping thing as well, " he smiled at me. He seemed nice, Ivy had told me he was amazing at Anime style art.

"I was just happy it wasn't all girls in here," I smiled. Ivy pointed some benches to get away from the babbling teens.

"Let's go sit down and talk about Hopeless Dreams," she said pulling us along.

"So how did you two get interested in Hopeless Dreams?" Levi asked gliding his hand through his hair.

"Well I saw an advert for it in Japan when it was a school trip, so I told Ivy about the advert and we watched the first episode in the hotel room. Ivy has been obsessed ever since," I smiled taking a drink of water.

After a while they started talking more deeper into the episodes like, was Nileo really who he says he is? Is Luna got a thing for Hadal , a evil magician, ? I didn't think that deep, so I just sat there spying on my phone waiting for someone to text me. Obviously no one did, cause my only friend was Ivy, and maybe Isaac.

The 3hrs ended and the hall shut down, finally. I followed Ivy and Levi outside. They kept talking about their fan-fiction they'd been writing. I was proud of her but I couldn't really be that bothered. Levi was a nice guy though. I didn't want to come across as a girl who had seen the advert, not cared then came to a fan hall to pretend I liked it. Because on,y half of that was true.
"See ya soon Levi!" She shouted across the parking lot. You could tell by the smile on her face that she couldn't wait to come back and do the whole thing over again.

"Bye!" He smiled and waved.

Maybe they had a thing for each other?

We got in the car and she dropped me off.

It was 6pm when I got in, I checked my phone and found a strange number just sitting in my contacts.

Me-Who is this?

Stranger-Isaac, you gave me your number at study.

Me-No i didn't

Isaac-I might of added mine into your phone then.
I shook my head and giggled.

Isaac-Would you like to go to Starbucks again?
I smiled and blushed, Stop it Leora! You don't like him in that way!

Me- Yeah sure, Tomorrow after school?
It was the only time I was free.

Isaac-Yeah great, as it's getting to Halloween soon.
OMG! How could I possibly forget about Halloween.
Me-Yeah. So I'll see you at school tomorrow?

Isaac-If you are there, definitely.
I smiled and started to reply.

Me- bye!

Isaac- Goodnight, sweet cheeks.


I woke up in a state, my hair was a mess and I looked like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards.
I threw some make-up on and put on a grey fuzzy jumper on, with a red and orange scarf and blue jeans. I left my hair down and tumbled my way down the stairs.

"Have a nice trip dad," I smiled and hugged him. I felt like I would never hug him again, but I knew deep down that I would and everything would be okay.

"Be safe, Leora. No parties," he chuckled.

"Obviously not," I rolled my eyes and giggled.

I had started off towards school in the beautiful fallen leaves on the road, kicking them as I went along my own business
And for some reason I got excited to see Isaac.

Hello! chapter 7 done!
Read the next chapter to see what happens at Starbucks!
By the way, the girl at the top is Ivy!
Thank you for reading!

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