|| Chapter 9 ||

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I was still laid on my bed, waiting for something to happen. I looked up while my whole body straight except for my arms, which are laying across my lower stomach. I picked up my phone and started to text Ivy.

Me- I need you. NOW!
When I send these texts Ivy comes running back for the gossip.

Still not moving, I heard the door being knocked down. I ran down stairs without thinking so I ended up upside down at the bottom of the stairs. I jumped back up in time and ran for the door. It was a foggy 10pm night and Ivy had come in wearing autumn pjs.
"What's wrong?!" She stepped into the house so I could shut the door. I walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. I bounced about a bit to get comfortable.

"I have mixed emotions right now," I stared blankly into space.

"What happened?!" Her eyes shot open causing me to jump.

"Well, I went to Starbucks with Isaac, as I said, and I asked why would he want to be friends with ME?! Like, I can't walk down the stairs?!" She rolls her eyes but leaned forward for more , "and he pulled me really close, like close. Too close for my liking, by the chin. I am mixed between terrified, happy and confused." I put my head in my hands. Do I like him? NO! Yes. Maybe....

"Do you like him?" She whispered, her eyes bulging out from her forehead.

"I don't know, I doubt it." I laughed looking up. She smiled ",He asked if I want to go trick or treating with him, and his cousins, who are like 6. I said yes," I said.

"That's okay, just what are you going as?" She leaned back in the sofa, looking comfy.

"I was going to go as a cat, I am not a creative thinker." I laughed and sat straight.

"Cute, " it looked now she was now bored with the subject ,"Did you know Levi goes to our school? That means we can work on our fan fiction more." She squealed. "I also found out he is a year older which makes him 18" she looked at the floor then back up.

"That's great! Do you want to stay the night, because we have school tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she smiled with a simple reply.


I woke up and looked across at Ivy, who was already awake full of joy, on her phone. We got dressed and headed for school. I had always dreaded school, probably the worst top 5 things in life.

"Be yourself, stop being scared of something that won't hurt you," she looked at Isaac ,who was way in front across the street, then at me.

"It's just, nothing."
Why grab someone's chin?

We reached school and I walked to class without saying a word. I opened up the classroom door and Olivia stood in front of me. She was like a statue that was not giving up her position.

"Do you like him or something? Don't answer. Just stay away from Isaac, we are a thing now." She nodded harshly and flicked straight blonde hair to the side. Really? Isaac and Olivia?
I nodded and took a seat at the back of the class. The bell had rung and the students flooded in. I kept my head down and Ivy sat In front of me. What Olivia had said kept me awake throughout the lesson.

"Were where you?" Ivy asked leaning back a little so I could make out what she was trying to get across.

I leaned forward and replied ,"I just came here. The teacher joined the class and wrote 'Art Pairs' on the board. Mr Rasson turned to face the class.
"Today you will be pairing up with," His eyes shifted to Ivy as she leaned back ,"Ivy Marrisol, move away from Leora. I will not allow you two to stop others learning. Ivy move the the other side of the room." He shouted. I looked over where she would be sat and spotted Isaac a little bit closer.

"But sir," I insist ,"we wasn't talking." I said.

"Move, Ivy!" Ivy begins to pick her stuff up and walk away.

"Nothing happened sir!" I nearly scream. I feel myself getting frustrated. I stood up and slammed my hands on to my desk.
"Sit down!" He screams at me. Ivy sits across the class room. I took my seat. And everyone sniggers accept Ivy, Mr Rasson. And Isaac. I felt embarrassment flow over me.
I groaned and folded my arms. I began to tear up. My head fell in my hands.

"What was that, Leora?" He asked feeling proud to have conquered me. My stomach churns and I feel mixed emotions again.

"You know what it was," I snap back but as a whisper.

He continues ,"Anyway, you have to pair up with someone. For the activity. So go and p-"

"Dibs being with Leora!" Isaac shouts, I looked over at him and he grinned , I glared .He had a girlfriend. He acts nice, then drops me with that he goes out with Olivia. I am not jealous not one bit! Well.... Maybe a little.
We all stood up to find our partner. Isaac walked over to me.

"Leora, wanna be pa-" I stopped him in the middle of his innocent sentence.

"Why don't you go and pair up with your girlfriend." I sarcastically smiled and made my way to Ivy.


I open my bedroom door and slumped down on to my bed. 1 more week till my dad comes back. Ugh. My phone signals out a sound, making me pick it up to check.

Isaac- what was that about? What girlfriend?

Me- Olivia, she told me.

Isaac- No! Why would I when I like someone else!

Me- Who?

Isaac- Honestly,

Me- I am sorry...

Isaac- it's okay sweet cheeks.
The doorbell pings and I walk down stairs to open it.
He stepped in to give me a hug.
"......Like you," He mumbled something into my hair but I never caught it...

What's gonna happen with them?
What will leora say?
Thank you for reading!
See what happens next in the next episode!!!!

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