the second rhyme

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HELLLOOO people!!!

Sorry I haven’t uploaded for sooooo long because ive been seir tired and have not been bothered to load my computer. But, I luv u guys so I dragged myself over here to type the next chappie.

The beginning is pretty slow; its thinking but then the scene changes to somethn kool. Also, im aiming the next chappie to be 720!!!

Im sooo close to 1000!!! Kekekekek

I also gonna make it 100 votes and ill upload the next one as well so just click the little orange button with a spiky border and voila!!!!!!

Feel free to ask me questions either by private messages or on my profile peoples so…














Chapter 12

I stared up at the ceiling. Just lying there. My mind was blank. And I was just lying there. Breathing.

A bang next door interrupted my silence.

Imbecile I though irritated.

When Viridin had said the word war, I had pretty much started hyper ventilating. War was the last thing I wanted. The only war I had experienced had been the death of my family, my people and innocents on both sides. I did not want to be a part of this massacre. And knowing that I was the very reason for it! It was horrifying.

I didn’t want any part of it but a small part inside of me had admitted that I was the heart of this upcoming war and the death of many was resting on my shoulders. I could either kill myself now or have nothing for people to fight over thus evading war for now or have a war with the death of thousands and possibly end war forever. To tell the truth, they both sucked. Why couldn’t kings and queens not thirst for power and money and be happy with their ability to kill innocent people for no reason already?

I really didn’t get people these days.

I sank down into my bed, closing my eyes and hoping for sleep to come but it evaded me. When I finally fell asleep, it was a restless slumber, full of pictures of me killing innocents and smiling.


I stuffed the eggs and corn into my mouth hurriedly in the most unprincessy manner, eager to head towards the renowned Culn libraries and to talk to Markoff, the best historian in possibly the whole of Estermore.

Suddenly, the door to the royal kitchen swung open to reveal Viridin and two guards behind him. He smiled widely ,”Hello dear, new you would be here! What’s your plan for today?”

I grunted my greeting and waited until I had swallowed the spoon of porridge before responding. “Well, I was going to head to Markoff for some historical information on you know, that war. If might prepare me for what might happen.” The memory of war returned, flooding my guts and creating the feeling of sinking in quick sand.

Nodding, Viridin responded “Of course, a wise choice dear! Well, enjoy your search and before ill leave you to your breakfast, I’d like to mention that we will be heading to Dusch to create an alliance. We will then head to Tura to ask for an alliance though I doubt they will accept. They like to sit on the fence you know so that at the end, they’ll say that they were supporting the side that won all along. Tis a shame really, water is very helpful in war you know, we could simply drown all their crops and take all their water.” He looked into the distance rather wishfully before refocusing on me and saying, “Well, I must attend to some political matters. Enjoy your day dear!”

He swept off, leaving me to my eggs, corn and porridge.

The day swept by rather fast. From my research dedicated in the libraries and with Markoff, I learnt a lot. The girl who had been the holder of all the powers had been called Flumina, she had been engaged to the prince of Dusch as a child but he had died of infection at adolescence. They had been very much in love I had learnt from the records.

At about lunchtime, I resigned from my wall of books and headed to my rooms to refresh myself ad clear my vision from the numbers and letters swirling around.

I had called for a cup of tea and the maid had come with the porcelain cups. She prepared the tea, curtsied and turned around to leave when her bodied abruptly contorted in a spasm of jerks.

I felt my heart turn cold and my hand turned Clammy. I screamed but only a hoarse “ahh,” came out. The girl turned around slowly, her face turned to me, her eyes unfocused and opened her mouth. An older women’s voice came out her mouth, croaky and hoarse.

“An aide she makes and plans doth she

The combining of three, as made once ago,

To beat the two who had sold their souls

Path is shown, the story soon told

Learn the story of two million years ago.

Madonna, the queen our messenger of grace.”

Then she collapsed.





So, a new rhyme appears! What does it all mean!!!!1

The next chappie explains a lot so....






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