Bromance & Bands

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 It had been almost two weeks since Michael's party. School was actually becoming a place I enjoyed being at. I had great friends, people hardly spoke about me anymore, and even when they did I had five best friends ready to jump in and stick up for me.

"Hey Indie," Ashton said making his way over to my locker, giving me a quick hug, "Wanna come over tonight?"

"What are we going to do?" I raised my eyebrow at him. We had become much closer lately, but I had made it very clear that I was focusing on being by myself for a while.

"Just hang out."

"Hang out?" I repeated.

"Luke will be there too, if that helps."

"Wait, what?" I said, almost shocked. I knew they had been talking and hanging out, but I didn't realise just how friendly they had become.

"Yeah, well, we want to show you something.."

"Ashton, this sounds really suspicious.." I laughed.

"Such a dirty mind Archer," Ashton laughed too, "Just come by after school." He said before taking off down the hallway not giving me a chance to respond.

I made my way down the hall in the opposite direction of Ashton, I noticed a bunch of jocks walking by, before I saw Luke alone by his locker.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey Indie." He smiled, grabbing a few of his books.

"So.. I don't know why it's taken me this long to notice.. but did you quit football?" I felt bad. So much had been going on in my own life, I hadn't been paying much attention to anyone else.

"Oh," he said half smiling, "didn't seem worth it anymore.."

"Why? I thought you loved football..?"

"Not really.. I mean, it was fun when Ashton and Michael were on the team, and then when you were a cheerleader, but it seems like a waste of time now I guess.. I actually want to focus on my music.. You're coming to Ashton's tonight right?"

"Umm, yeah I guess, why?"

"Just make sure you come." He smiled, and gave me a quick hug, "gotta go."


I got to Ashton's house around 5. It seemed like Calum and Michael were here too. I let myself in, and Emily greeted me.

"Finally." She said, coming over to me and hugging me, "it's a total bromance upstairs.."

"What?" I laughed at her.

"The boys.. they're all.. just come see." She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs behind her.

I could hear guitars and drums and laughter before I even got to Ashton's room.

No one even noticed when Emily and I walked in.

"See." Emily said.

It seemed like Luke was trying to teach Ashton how to play guitar while Calum and Michael were plucking along with their own instruments.

"Ah.. hey!" I tried to yell over the noises.

Ashton and Luke stopped to turn to me.

"Hey!" Ashton said, "You came!"

"We want to show you something," Luke said.

Emily and I took a seat on Ashton's bed, while Ashton made his way behind his drum kit.

"1..2..3.." Ashton counted everyone in.

Within a second, each boy was playing their own instrument. The music was familiar, and as soon as Calum started singing, I knew it was Teenage Dirtbag.

I turned to Emily, as if to ask if she knew about this, she just shrugged at me. She obviously had no idea either.

When Calum had finished singing, Luke began. I had heard Luke sing before, even to me a few times, but this was different.

As I watched each of the boys play their individual instruments and belt out lyrics, I couldn't help but notice the expression on their faces. A mixture of passion and bliss. I felt as though in this very moment I was experiencing something life changing..

When the song finally ended, no one said a word. I didn't know where to face. I was blown away.

"That—was-- amazing!" Emily said breaking the silence.

The smiles on the boys faces grew wider.

"Really?" Calum said beaming at her.

"It was great!" I told them, "When did this all happen?" How had I not noticed four of my best friends going behind my back and becoming.. a band?

"The day after Michael's party," Luke said, setting his guitar down, "Calum mentioned he played bass, and it just kind of went from there--"

"This is so exciting!" Emily squealed, getting off the bed and walking over to her boyfriend, throwing her arms around his neck, "You guys are like-- a band!"

They all beamed at us.

Ashton began banging on his drum kit again, and soon the others joined in. Emily and I stood and watched them in awe.

"Ah, I think we just lost them to their music.." Emily said, never taking her eyes off Calum.

"I think you might be right." I tell her, swaying slightly along with the beat.

Just watching them, it felt like things were falling into place for once. My life was okay again, and that was the best I could hope for right now.

I just knew I had witnessed the beginning of something amazing.


I had fallen asleep on Ashton's bed somewhere between a greenday cover and Calum trying to write his own lyrics. By the time I woke up I knew it was late. The noise had definitely died right down, but I wasn't alone.

"Hey," Luke said as I lifted my head from Ashton's pillow, "you looked cold so I put the blanket over you."

"Thanks," I say, curling up even more into it.

I pat the spot beside me so he would lie down with me. Awkwardly he moves in close to me.

"What'd you think?" He asks, "honestly."

"Honestly? I think you guys are amazing together. And I feel awful that I nearly prevented that from happening."


"No," I say, "you are all so talented, you could really do something with this.. I would never want to be the person who stood in your way."

"Wait, what are you talking about? We're just jamming out.."

"I know," I say, rolling onto my back to stare at Ashton's ceiling, "but you guys could really be something. This is your dream right?"

I look back at him.

"It was." He says solemnly, "once."

"And it should be. You have a real talent, do what makes you happy Luke."

There's a shuffle from the door, and Ashton walks in.

"Not interrupting anything am I," he puts both his hands up and covers his eyes-- both Luke and I roll our eyes at him.

"No, Irwin." I tell him.

"Good," He says, before running towards the bed.

He jumps on top of us, almost crushing me beneath him, before I manage to roll over, and let him slip in between Luke and I.

Ashton puts his arms around us.

"Isn't this fun?" He beams.

"No." Luke and I say at once.


Sex & Sentiments Part Two// Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now