Chaper 9

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It was nice, wrapped up like this.

It made Albus feel needed, wanted.


He sniffled into Scorpius' shoulder, burying his head into the crook of his arm. "Thank you," he whispered.

Scorpius just hugged him, not releasing Albus from the embrace.

They never wanted to let go of each other.


Filch found them on the floor, curled up tight in each other's arms. A soft snore emitted from Scorpius' lax mouth, and Albus' head was resting on his best friend's shoulder.

A faint smile tugged at the weary caretaker's mouth that was lined with wrinkles.

Argus Filch was thought to be a bitter and spiteful old coot, but none of them knew his real story.

He looked down lovingly at Mrs Norris. Once upon a time, she was his lover. Happily married at the young age of twenty, they thought they would have forever together.

But, it was not to be.

Even Argus didn't know the real story. As far as his knowledge went, his precious Dalia had somehow ingested a fatal potion.

He remembered her cries as she writhed in excruciating pain, Filch bending helpless over her jerking figure, noisy sobs breaking out of him.

When help had finally come, they couldn't save her. A robed man held Argus back while a group of magical folk crowded around Dalia, murmuring eery incantations.

When her cries had ceased, the man released him, and Filch nearly thought he would drop dead when a witch carried out a fluffy cat, and placed the animal in his arms.

Dalia was nowhere to be seen.

Shaking out of the memory, Filch stared down at the boys. He had noticed before that they were close, but hadn't expected this.

Scooping up his fluffy Dalia, he unconsciously ruffled her fur, deciding what he was to do with the pair.

He glanced down at the cat. "What should we do, Dalia? Eh? Should we leave them be?"

She purred, her body vibrating in agreement. Argus kissed her furry head. "Alright, my dear. Let's carry on with our business."

Whistling softly, he gently released the cat, and took one glance at the sleeping boys.

"They were meant for each other, my Dalia. Just like you and I."

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