Ch.11: Insanity

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The pink haired kunoichi was frantically pacing back and fourth while a raven haired boy was getting annoyed by the girl's impatience but the only reason he bit back his comments was because he too was getting irritated with their Sensei's late arrival...not to mention Naruto's only caused the Uchiha to yawn and shrug it off "It's been almost 30 minutes..." she muttered while Sasuke only gave her a grunt

'Hearing her whine makes me consider coming late from now on I can't stand her complaining all day long...and about nothing.'

He frowned a bit "H-hey sasuke..." she placed her hands together and smiled "We should train for the meantime...and afterwards go for a da-" he sighed "No." he kept his back towards her "You should know by now that I only love Naruto. Not you." he was hoping that emphasizing the 'you' would actually get her to stop and she only looked at the floor "Yeah...I know Sasuke-kun..." then a loud cheerful voice could be heard "SASUKE-KUUUN! SAKURA-CHAN!" the blond haired boy caught up to them and he threw his arms around Sasuke's neck "Teme! You didn't wait for me!" he pouted while the other boy looked away "Hn." and all the blond haired boy could do was smile sweetly and chuckle while a certain kunoichi was displeased with what she was seeing mainly because of her obsession with the Uchiha


A second later the grey haired man appeared "Good Morning.." they all turned towards Kakashi and Sakura gritted her teeth and clutched her fists tightly "IT'S BEEN ALMOST AN HOUR! WHY ARE YOU SO LATE!?" she shook her head "Sasuke-kun...where's my good morning kiss?" Naruto chirped while trying to get the other boy to look at him and Kakashi saw something...was it a memory that flashed through his mind just now?

"What made you have a change of heart? Like...your feelings...?,

That voice sounded familiar and he kept trying to find out what or who that was speaking to him

"I've never had a change of heart..."

He thought while poundering about that voice and it's cause " do know that I love you...right?" Naruto said while grinning at him "Yes, dobe...I'd protect and care for you no matter what..." he blushed slightly and Kakashi was hearing himself reply to that voice

"I've never had a change of heart...I've ALWAYS loved you..."

Kakashi took a deep breath and closed his eye for a moment

"I can careless if I become a rouge ninja. _____'s safety is my priority now."

He felt a pulse in his heart...a pounding...throbbing...what was it exactly? It felt painful. He didn't like this feeling and every time he felt like that it angered him so much he felt dizzy due to lack of sleep and then he lost conscious and dropped to the ground as the voices of his students could be heard...
**At the hospital**
He groaned and tossed his head side to side


His eye shot wide open "Don't call me!" he muttered while glancing around "Where ever you are! Get lost!"

" know that I won't be going anywhere anytime soon..."

the voice giggled and he shook his head furiously "Stop! quiet you...I have to listen to you everyday all day...just what or who are you..." he gnawed at his lower lip

"Looks like...Bakashi...forgot about me...but...why?...I loved you..."

The voice sounded like it quivered but Kakashi only shrugged it off and laughed lowly "Forgot? About you? I don't know you and I can care less about your origins...leave me!" he started shouting causing for the doctor and nurses to flood into the room and restrain him "STOP! GET OFF ME!" he was then injected with a tranquilizer to make him drift off to sleep

"Goodnight Kakashi...I'll be awaiting you right here...I won't leave your side......"

The voice died out into a whisper "no...go...away...ghost..." he then knocked out..
*Kakashi's dream*
He felt like he was floating through time and an image of a pair of orange goggles appeared

" are you doing?"

For some reason he felt warmth and purity overflowing him spiritually

"I'm doing well...what about you O...Ob...?"

He then felt a slight tingle of happiness in both of the voices

"I'm doing well...I miss you Kakashi...don't forget about me..."

He smiled

"I promise I will never, EVER, forget about you...O...I love you."

He tried to reach out for something just to grasp nothing but air

"That is comforting to hear...I love you you...bakashi....."

Still asleep, a smile had crept up onto Kakashi's face and for the first time in 5 years he finally slept in peace

'I love you so much to ever forget about you Obito..'

A\N: I need to stop updating so late...I tend to get lazy...I might end this within three more chapters. TELL ME HOW THIS CHAPTER WAS? is 5:44am...I have no life so...just comment please!...I know this chapter wasn't much but ehhh..

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