Ch.3: Thanks...Kakashi.

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Author's note: I'm really trying to make this sad. Sorry for not updating soon. Enjoy~❤

The last thing Obito saw were Kakashi's eyes. They seemed to be filled with something that he couldn't understand. Then everything went black and he heard a loud noise before losing consciousness

-----A few hours later-----
Obito slowly opened his eyes and everything was still slightly blurry. He tried getting up but felt an immense pain in his stomach. 'Ugh..' he groaned and decided to lay back down. "Don't be so hasty idiot." The raven haired boy looked around and couldn't tell where they were 'K-kakashi...' he said trying to get up once more. "Did you not just listen to what I said?" he sighed and shook his head in disbelief "We are at my house. Your parents weren't home so I decided to be kind and let you rest here." he turned his back to him and Obito tried to get up because he realized how uncomfortable he felt "U-uh..." the raven haired Uchiha didn't know what to say and he could see Kakashi tense up 'It's best if I stay quiet for now...' he squirmed around on the couch he had been placed on.
It's been almost 10 minutes of unbearable awkward silence. Kakashi was sitting in a chair reading a book while Obito was just staring at the ceiling and glanced every once in a while at Kakashi. He knew that Kakashi could tell when he looks at of his eyebrows twitched every time. "What do you want? I'm trying to read here." he grunted while not bothering to look at the raven haired boy which was unnerving "I-it's j-just..." Obito looked away feeling embarrassed at the moment and he could literally feel Kakashi's stare. "J-just that...d-did you save me ba-" Kakashi coughed and Obito knew that it meant something so he decided to hush up quickly. The silver haired boy rolled his eyes "Yes I did save your ass back there...only because I wanted to know who they were." he went back to reading his book and Obito sat up this time "Hey...uhm...Kakashi..." he fiddled with his fingers and bit his lip but got no reply from the other end so he thought it was his cue to keep talking "I know you didn't save me to just get information..." he looked down and still didn't get any reply from the other boy "I saw this look in your eyes..." he felt his chest burning up and couldn't look Kakashi in the eyes "..." it got quiet for a bit "I-I'm sorry! I'm j-just blabbering for no rea-" he was interrupted by a soft yet raspy voice "Idiot..." Obito's ears perked up because there was a hint of unsettlement in his voice "Well I...knew you would get killed if I left you there alone. You're too weak to handle yourself apparently." he tilted his head while the raven haired boy blushed a bit "Don't be stupid. I did it because I pitied you." he spat and got up "You should rest up...idiot." he proceeded to go upstairs to his room and the raven haired boy sat up feeling dumbfounded.
The young Uchiha layed on the couch wondering what was wrong with Kakashi...he knew something was bugging the boy. 'He will never tell me what's wrong obviously! So I'm not going to ask him!' he blinked a couple of times and alot of options on what was wrong with him kept going through his mind. 'I could've sworn that I saw something weird in his eyes! He looked...worried?...nah. Now I'm just being stupid.' he flipped onto his side and stared at the couch and pondered about it some more confusing himself while at it. Soon enough he fell asleep...but he ended up having nightmares.
Kakashi was awoken by the raven hair's screams. He was startled so bad that he fell off his bed and scrambled to his feet quickly and ran downstairs and before he woke up the boy he heard something "P-please...stop..." he leaned in closely "D-don'" he paused for a bit and whimpered "...alone..."

I'm not sure if I should continue this story...well Idk. I doubt anyone actually likes it.


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