Ch.6: A New Start

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More KakaObi in this one only cuz it seems like a filler chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The two young boys were sprinting through the forest and heading toward the border of fire. "We need to go to a small village that's a couple of miles away from here." Kakashi said while holding tightly onto Obito's hand "Y-yeah...o-of course!" they made it out of the land of fire and are headed for the hidden village of the Sound. "You will be safe there with me, Obito." he said while smiling at the Uchiha and that caused the boy to fluster. "Y-yes." Obito had stared at Kakashi confused to why they had stopped "U-uh...K-kakashi...why did w-we...s-" he was pulled forward and his face was a few inches away from the gray haired boy's face. "Oi" the Uchiha sweatdropped at that "Is that why you had to pull me close? To say that?" he stared while Kakashi only chuckled loudly "Eh? What's so funny?" Kakashi let him go and walked away still laughing "Nothing" he waved his hand gesturing for the boy to come along.


He was going to follow after him until a hand covered his mouth and pulled him back "E-eh!?!" he started struggling but the person holding him had gotten a good grip on him. "Shhh Uchiha" Obito's eyes widen and he bit the person's hand and manage to get away "N-no!" he ran as fast as he can but ended up running into someone's back letting out an 'eep' "Oi, Obito, what are you doing?" the young uchiha looked up quizzically "O-oh...n-nothing Kakashi." only to receive a stern look from the other boy "E-eh?! What?!" the gray haired boy laughed and pulled him into a hug "Idiot..." he buried his face into the Uchiha's neck and started to nibble "A-ack!? H-hey!?" he didn't get any response from him.
Soon enough they arrived at the village hidden in the Sound "I'm exhausted feet hur-" he was lifted up and placed onto the gray haired boy's back "Well let's go to a nearby place to rest up" Obito had turn red "U-uh...o-okay" he wrapped his arms around his neck and he slowly fell asleep.
After a while Obito woke up in the arms of Kakashi "?" he tried to sit up but couldn't because he was being held onto tightly but he looked around and realized that it was a room "Oh..." he blushed as he looked at Kakashi's face " peaceful.." the raven hair smiled and lean in and carefully pulls his mask down to give him a soft kiss and blushed again "hehe.." he slowly backing away but felt Kakashi hold him firmly


Kakashi had woken up...


A smirk slowly crept on his face and his eyes narrowed "Well, well, well..." he pulled the terrified Uchiha back down and started kissing his neck " wanted just one kiss?" the raven haired boy looked away embarrassed and the gray haired boy slowly kissed his jaw down to his neck leaving hickies on his way down "K-kakashi..." Obito covered his face and Kakashi knew he was a shy boy and thought that was cute of him but he didn't want to push him to far so he decided to cuddle him and soon enough they went back to sleep.

A\N: Heh...sorry if it was a lame chapter...I swear the next chapter will be the train feels. This was like a short Please be patient with me...I'm saving the best for last. 😉😘❤

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