Ch.1: Why?

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'Ring Ring Ring' went off the alarm clock. A hand sloppily reached to stop it from going on and on. The young boy rubbed his eyes to try and wake himself up.

**30 minutes later**

"HOLY CRAP!" the young boy quickly arose from his bed and glanced over to his alarm clock. 'Shit' he thought. It is 8:00am. He rushed to the bathroom and quickly took a shower and put on his regular blue\orange outfit. He ran out and grabbed his goggles and his headband. He started sprinting

'Damn I already know what that baka will say!'

he frowned and imagined a boy his age with grayish hair with a firm look say


the boy then gritted his teeth and shook his head "Stupid Kakashi..." he muttered as soon as he arrived at the training ground and no one was there but that boy "Finally you decided to show up" the boy spoke sounding kind of irritated "Hmph! Shut up!...where's Sensei and Rin?" Obito squeak at the end of his sentence "Idiot, Sensei called it a day because he had to go somewhere. Rin rushed off with him because he needed her assistance. While I kindly enough awaited for you, idiot." Kakashi then looked away pissed off and sighed loudly. Obito pouted and looked down

'Am I really that annoying? Does he hate me that much?'

he then clutched his fists tightly and bit his lower lip

'W-whatever! Like anyone will ever accept me! I hate them all too!'

he turned his back towards Kakashi and started to walk away "Well...thanks for waiting for...someone like me. You should've just left..." he was on his way until he felt a hand on his shoulder "Idiot" Obito was in shock but managed to turn his head to face Kakashi "What do you want?" he spat coldly. Kakashi rolled his eyes so dramatically it look like they were going to fall out of his sockets "You're an Idiot. If you're going to always be late somewhere then don't show up. There's no need for you to be around." Obito's eyes widen. He quickly looked away and his eyes got teary "Y-you're...right..." he inhaled then exhaled slowly

'Why so much hatred? I was leaving!'

" didn't have to tell me that...baka I was already lea-" he was cut off by a voice filled with anger "Yeah I know you were leaving! I'm not blind! I was just letting you know so that there wouldn't be a next time moron!" His tears finally caved in...streams of tears fell down his face. "Fine." he started walking away "IF THAT'S WHAT YOU ALL WANT!" Obito ran away as quick as possible



Obito layed on his bed...thinking about the situation that happened earlier.

'Just letting you know so that there wouldn't be a next time, moron!'

echoed through his brain. He kept thinking

'Well I know that Rin and Sensei don't want me around either!'

His eyebrows narrowed and his eyelids slightly dropped halfway. He can recall the time where both of them were mean to him too.



"Oi! Rin! Sensei! Kakashi!" he ran up to them waving his hands eagerly. Kakashi just turned away. "Obito, you really need to stop being late!" Rin said while placing her fists on her hips "She's right you know. Mainly because we have a mission tomorrow, Obito." Minato, their sensei, added. "This is why we are sometimes behind..." Rin said while turning to Minato and then she latched herself to Kakashi "Why can't you be like Kakashi?" for a second he could've sworn he saw his Sensei nod in agreement

'Really...stop comparing me to him! I'm just as good!'

Obito decided to bite back his tongue "I'm sorry." he looked down chuckling nervously.


Present time

Obito clicked his tongue and looked out the window. He saw a happy family. Happiness is something he really wanted. They looked so happy...his parents saw him as a disgrace...they mistreated him. For not being capable of showing off his bloodline. His back always ached in pain...well his body did. His father really didn't like him for not being able to awaken his sharingan. He never had a friend. He never had any love from anyone. He only knew hatred, loneliness, despair and pain. "OBITO!" A booming voice from downstairs awoke him from his daydreaming

'Shit, it's that time of day again...'

he lazily got up and went downstairs. "Yes fathe-" he interrupted with a hard slap across his face "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT CALLING ME THAT!?" He lifted his other hand. Slap! Another slap was delivered to Obito's face "You are not my kid! Not until you activate the sharingan!" Obito started crying and that only made things worse. His father hated when he showed any emotions. "MAN UP! STOP CRYING YOU BASTARD!" Obito sniffed but couldn't help it "S-sorry!" he wiped his tears away only pissing his father off...


Later that night

Obito was in his room. He quickly changed into his pajamas but looked at a nearby mirror and saw the fresh bruises and old ones all over his body. He looked away and put his pjs on and got on his bed

'goodnight mom and dad...everyone.'

he let out a sigh.

'I hope one day they'll accept me...'

he drifted off to sleep.



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