Chapter 13

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you guys are actually amazing.. i feel bad for not updating but ily you guys so fucking much lol anyway enough of me being a sap here's an update for you (:

"You guys seen the new chick... Proud?" Izzy questioned The Sqwad who were bunking Maths, P.E and Art. (they had different lessons)

"Why are there so many new people, ugh" Sher sighed.

"Um, hoe, I was new and now we're practically best friends, hush small child. Maybe we could make friends with her?" Kyla sassed.

"I don't think so... They don't seem very.. sociable? I dunno.. But there's also another new chick, whose super cute may I add, her names Mary" Nora shrugged.

Izzy felt a pang in her chest at Nora's words but ignored it. Maëlyss noticed this.

"Don't forget Jordan" Maë piped.

She was new too.

"Oh I think they all moved from the same school" Kyla shrugged.

"They look really familiar" Sher thought aloud.

"Okay but why are they're no new guys?" Calum asked.

"Boy, you're already spoken for, shut the fuck up" Izzy giggled.

"Well what about the straights? They ain't getting none at this rate" Calum sassed.

"Is anyone really straight in this world?" Nora pondered randomly.

"Yep, Izzy is" Maë took a dig at Nora after noticing Izzy's expression when Nora called Mary cute.

"Oh" Nora said as more of a self note.

"Well not one hundred percent" Izzy said nervously, glaring as Maë.

"I'm helping you, you dipshit" Maë whispered to Izzy.

"Oh" she said in realisation.

"Anyway.." Kyla grabbed their attention... "We're going to talk to them!"

"Um why?" Nora asked.

"Because they look familiar... " Sher thought aloud again.

"Wait, they do" Calum rose an eyebrow.

"No, because we're nice people!" Kyla scowled at them.

Nora snorted, "yeah, okay, sure"

"How are we gonna get them all together in the same room with us without knowing them?" Maë questioned.

"What d'you mean?" Izzy asked.

"Well we don't know what they're like.. What they're capable of... And if they even like eachother let alone us"

"A party!" Sher squeaked.

"What? The last time we had a party... It didn't end too well.." Calum spoke with hesitation.

"Yeah.. we still don't know what happened with that shot" Maë added.

"Maybe they do..." Sher said thoughtfully.


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