Chapter 7

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- this is the same chapter, just republished bc i edited the end, sorry if you thought I updated lol - (i much prefer this ending)

[this continues from where he slapped his ass]


"Fuck off, Luke"

"I don't think that's what you want, I could see you drooling over me when I sang"

"And you weren't checking out my biceps whilst I was drumming"

"I-I.. Uh I have a surprise for you!" Luke changed the subject quickly.

"Oh you do?" Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Well our bet is still on so, come with me, princess"

Ashton rolled his eyes again but followed reluctantly.

Luke took them to where a a tall girl with dark brown hair and hazel/green eyes was standing in the middle of the canteen.

"Meet my girlfriend" he said, and Ash could feel his heart start to ache.

"Hi, I'm Angel" She said, smile probably as fake as her boobs.

[A/N: their 'girlfriends' will be bitches, i hope I don't offend anyone irl]

"Hi! Excuse us for a minute" I glared, dragging Luke aside.


"It's too far, Luke" Ashton scowled.


"Playing with some girl emotions for a bet! That's low.."

"I'm not playing" Oh but he was.

"What'd you mean?"

"I do like her, but our bet's still on... So if she can help, then cool"

"Luke, please don't, I know your lying"

"Do you? Because while you've been prancing around school like an innocent little princess, you forgot how I was, I changed and you don't know a damn thing about me anymore. I like her a lot, but say the words and we can end this stupid bet"

Ashton thought for a moment.

Should he just admit?

But surely he couldn't let Luke make him all weak and vulnerable, the bet had just begun.

They stood there for what felt like hours before Ashton just smiled,

"I hope your happy" his voice was laced with falseness and he just walked away.

It may seem over dramatic but both boys' biggest weakness was jealousy.

Neither handled it well and it physically pained them to see that someone else was the reason for their happiness. So no, they didn't care how exaggerated it seemed because it really hurt. A lot.

Luke swallowed a lump, he knew how that felt. Michael used to be so close (still is) with Ash and even though it was platonic, Luke couldn't control how angry he got.

How he'd pound into the small boy later that night, telling Ashton who he belonged to, feeling victorious.

But as Luke walked out the canteen in search for Ash, he saw the small boy cradled in another man's arms.

Jealousy ✄ Lashton Where stories live. Discover now