Chapter 11

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To say Ashton was confused was an understatement... He thought Luke was mad that he was kissing Kyla? Not him being jealous if her...

"Was he just using her to make me jealous?" Ashton sighed.

"I don't know... But to be fair, that's kinda what you did" Michael reminded.

"Yeah but that was the point and I'm not in a relationship with anyone"

"Look, Ash, this stupid bet isn't going to end well. Something is gonna get said and it's gonna get twisted" Michael wore a concerned look.


Michael was trying desperately to tell Ashton not to interfere, because The Sqwad had plans.

And if Luke or Ashton did something, the plan wouldn't exactly work.

"I-I just mean... Quit" he blurted.

"What?" Ashton was so lost.

"Call off the bet"

"No way"

"Well then don't do anything stupid, and don't cry to me when you get a broken heart again" Michael didn't want to sound rude but he was freaking out. He was a bad liar.

"You're not making any sense... I'm not gonna date him" Ashton shrugged.

"Whatever, Ash. Later, I gotta get to class"

"Bye?.." Ashton watched him walk away with a hole of confusion left within him.


"I love you"

There it was. The word Luke never wanted to hear pass Angel's lips.

"U-Um.. cool?" Luke tried to play it off as nothing.

"Wait are you seriously not gonna say it back?" Her eyes widened.

Don't be a controlling needy bitch Luke thought.

At the moment, Ashton was walking by, in hopes of talking to Luke.

"We're busy, go away, freak" Angel muttered.

"Hey, don't call him a freak just because your an attention seeking whore" Luke only said that so she'd forget about the 'love you' you thing and move on... He thinks.

Angel gasped, and slapped Luke across the face.

"Find another bitch to suck your dick"

"He already has, and they're wayy better then you could ever be" Ashton spoke up.

Her eyes widened and she glared, stomping away.

"Wait did you really mean you'll suck my dic–"

"No! Ew, Luke" He said but in his head he was thinking, Yes, Daddy

The small boy must of said the wrong one because Luke's eyes widened and he said, "Janitors closet, now"

And who was Ashton to say no?


"T-This" Luke motioned to Ashton sucking his díck, "needs to stop"

Ashton rose an eyebrow and pulled of Luke with a pop.

"Oh you want me to stop?" he teased with a soft giggle, thinking Luke was kidding.

"Well not right now" Luke shrugged.

Ashton then realised he was being serious and looked at Luke,

"Wait are you for real?"

"Yeah, now can you please just back to... You know.."

Ashton coughed up a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head, "you actually think I'm just a booty call, don't you?" He glared.


Ashton gasped and slapped him.

Again? What am I doing wrong? Luke thought.

"Luke I'm not just gonna be there to suck your big ass cøck whenever you want"

"Well no, that's why I have Angel"

Ashton slapped him again.

And I thought she was bitch.

"Metaphorically you dipshit! I mean that I'm not so cheap hooker and you.. Well you're a piece of shit! A huge piece of shit"

And as Ashton was storming out he spun round and looked at Luke dead in the eye, "If all guys were like you, I'd be straight. And that says something. Enjoy being a fuck boy for he rest of your life.. Are you're gonna sleep with everyone you meet to get ahead? Because you'll definitely get far in life that way." he snorted in a sarcastic manner before shaking his head and walking away.

And some may say his harsh words went straight to Luke's heart, but he'd say it was more like his dîck, that was now suddenly not hard.

Jealousy ✄ Lashton Where stories live. Discover now