Thank you + Questions

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I'm trying to update bc I feel bad for leaving y'all so long but I just wanted to thank those who wanted to be part of the book. (and obviously thank you to all my lovely readers/voters and commenters who make this book fun for me to write bc i love the feedback. xx

If you still want to, you can be in the book, it'll probably never close till the book is done bc i can always just add a character in, and also there's a party coming up so the more characters the merrier

Also, a couple things:

1) what should the group of Izzy, Sher, Maë, Cal, Nora and Kyla be called?

2) whose your fav character in this book?

[mines other whole group but bc i love them equally I'll go with Calum if i had to choose] (:

3) Ima start doing a qotd and aotd bc you guys intrigue me 😂

4) If I did a character ask, bc I don't know you personally, the answer i give would be based on your personality in the book not irl, i hope that doesn't offend you. x (also I won't do one till chapter 15/16 so the more juicy stuff can happen)

5) Would you read the sequel? (: (you don't have to, and it's them famous this time, you'll see how)

okay so hopefully the next chapter will be up later, i think tomorrow by latest ❤️

ILY - nabs. x

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