Chapter 9

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 9

(Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful)

"Wake up.." A young voice whispered.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I was hit with a pain in my lungs. I was soaking wet. I sat up and started coughing out water. I looked around and shrieked as I saw a younger girl. Maybe 11 to 14 years old. She had shoulder length curly, black hair and piercing grey eyes with lots of freckles on her porcelain skin. She was wearing an old, navy blue dress. Her hair was pulled back and tied with ribbon in back. A small smile formed on her thin lips.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a British accent.

"Yeah?..." I rasped.

Am I the only one without a British accent? Aside from Felix. I looked around and noticed I was still in the sewer tunnels.

"Good, let's go." The girl said, signaling for me to stand up.

I slowly did and towered above the short girl. She looked up at me before slowly walking ahead. I quickly followed her as she wandered through the tunnels.

"Do you know where Daniel and Felix are?" I asked her.

"Mhm.." She nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked after a while.

"Hmm, call me Ellie." She shrugged.

I nodded slightly and she stopped, looking around. She put her finger over her thin lips and "shhh'd". I slowly backed against the walls and watched ahead of us. I heard faint splashes and metal scraping. A whale like wail erupted, echoing throughout the tunnels. My eyes widened as one of the creatures appeared the one I named a brute. It looked around and I sank against the wall. My teeth started to chatter uncontrollably out of nervousness. It slowly passed and Ellie waved her hand for me to follow. I reluctantly stepped out of the darkness and followed Ellie into the depths of the tunnel. The tunnel continued, but there was also a right turn in the tunnel that branched off.

"By the way, your stuff is that way." She pointed.

"The Orpiment?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded, not moving, "They are that way."

She pointed to the branching off tunnel. I started walking and stopped when she wasn't following. I glanced over my shoulder at her.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"You don't need me anymore. I'll stick around, though." She smiled weakly.

I smiled back and waved goodbye before taking off. I made my way down the dark tunnel and looked around. I slowly turned the corner and stopped when I heard slight splashing. I hesitantly took the next corner and saw a figure leaned against the wall. I quietly approached the figure and slightly recognized Felix.

"Felix?" I asked.

He suddenly whipped around and his eyes got big. He quickly stepped forwards and engulfed me in a hug. I coughed slightly as he squeezed me. I smiled and pulled away slightly.

"How?" He asked.

"I don't know.. some girl saved me.." I shook my head, "Where's Daniel?"

"He just walked off. I'm not sure where he went." Felix shrugged.

"I'll go find him." I told Felix.

"Emily... I'm glad you're okay." He said with a weak smile.

I smiled back and squeezed him slightly before pulling away. He nodded and I slowly walked away, glancing over my shoulder quickly at Felix. I sighed and continued on. I looked around and took a turn to the left. I noticed a metal door on the right with a faint light coming from it. I slowly approached the cracked open door and looked in. I could see Daniel standing at a table, hunched over slightly with his hands on the table. He suddenly shoved all of the old papers off the desk and turned around.

Blackbriar Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fanfic/Original StoryWhere stories live. Discover now