Chapter 7

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 7

(Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful)

We took off towards the courtyard and I sighed with relief. This is almost over.. hopefully. I took the familiar path to the corridor and could see the glass door. I quickly approached it and opened the door. I was hit with the cold breeze of morning and sucked in the fresh air. It must've only been 30 minutes. Nothing had changed a bit.

"It's her!" Felix hissed, pointing at the balcony.

I looked up quickly and could see her. She was in an elegant emerald gown. Her lips were tinted a faint deep red and she had her black eyeliner on. It was weird seeing her.. it was like seeing myself.

"Don't worry, Emilia. I'm going to end this." I told her, raising my voice so that she could hear me from above.

A smirk spread across her face. Not a cocky smirk, but more of a smile. She slowly backed away.

"Emilia, wait!" I called, but she disappeared into thin air.

"Let's go." Felix said, tugging at my arm.

I nodded slowly and headed to a pillar. I crouched down and placed out my hands.

"Jump up." I nodded.

He hesitantly stepped on my hands and grabbed the guard railing. He scrabbled up and after a moment he stuck out his hand for me. I quickly jumped up and he grabbed my hand. He grunted as he lifted me up to my feet.

"You're so fat." He groaned jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and took off to the glass door. We retreated into the warmth of the mansion and I noticed the corridor leading to the room I left Daniel in. I rushed down the hallway to the door and knocked on it.

"Daniel?" I called.

There was no answer. I grabbed the doorknob and it twisted open. I looked around the room and Daniel was gone. His things were still here, though.

I quickly backed out into the hallway and looked around frantically.

"Daniel?!" I called.

Felix took off to check the rooms. I turned around and felt my heart sink. Where did he go? We need his help!

"Emily?" A familiar accented voice spoke softly.

I whipped around and saw Daniel. Relief washed over me. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me for a moment. He pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay. Where's Felix?" He asked.

After he spoke I heard Felix's footsteps. I turned around and saw Felix come out of one of the rooms. He quickly spotted Daniel and cocked an eyebrow.

"Found him." Felix said and I rolled my eyes with a slight smile.

"We must hurry. We only have about 12 hours." Daniel told me as Felix rummaged through the wardrobe.

"Did you tear up all the shirts? Mines covered in blood." Felix scrunched his face up.

I grabbed a shirt draped over the chair I was sitting on and tossed it at him. He nodded a thanks and started removing his bloody shirt.

"Emily, I found one of Colton's books. It says in the event that the last sacrifice isn't made, a doppelgänger will appear at some point to complete the ritual. Then, the devil may find a host to escape. Using a host, he is weaker, unless he completes the ritual. If he does, he can become his true form and have his full power-"

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