Chapter 4

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 4

After pulling open the hatch we crawled up into a strange room. The room itself was the size of a small house. It looked like a chapel or maybe a party room since there were instruments and I wondered what the point of the hatch was.

"What is this?" Felix asked.

"I dunno." I shrugged.

Suddenly my side was pinched and I squeaked. I looked at Felix who was smirking and narrowed my eyes.

"Now I know.." He mumbled mischievously.

"Know what?" I snapped before walking off.

I walked down the aisle to the end of the room and reached an altar looking thing. Was this the altar room? Daniel said he would meet us here. I turned around to see Felix observing some random objects.

"Daniel said he would meet us here, where is he?" I asked.

"Why would I know where that weirdo is?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"I've never been addressed that way." A familiar voice echoed in a British accent.

I quickly turned around to see Daniel striding down the aisle, adjusting his vest. He looked like he went through hell and back. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair before looking up at me. Felix's face dropped slightly and he quickly made his way to my side.

"Is this the altar room?" I asked.

"No, this is the chapel." Daniel shook his head, pointing behind himself, "We must get the keys to Colton's office."

I glanced past him at a wooden door above a staircase.

"Don't bother, it's locked." Daniel told me.

Always have to do things the hard way..

"What do we need to do?" I sighed.

"You need the key. It should be around here somewhere." He replied.

"You've been here 147 years, wouldn't you know?!" I snapped.

"I never entered the altar room, Colton did. He would be in there for hours probably worshipping satan." He cocked an eyebrow.

I sighed, not wanting to fight. I motioned for Felix to follow me and made my way to Daniel.

"Well, let's find the damn key." I grumbled.

He nodded to me, following as I made my way down the aisle to a set of large double doors. I hobbled to the door and yanked the large doors that almost touched the ceiling open. How big is this place? I noticed a grand staircase like the one when I entered this hell hole. At the top along the wall was a locked up door. The floors were some type of marble or something. The walls were of course stone with gorgeous paintings. The house seemed to shift with every step.

"I need to pee." Felix whined.

"There is a bathroom down the hall, the first door on the right." Daniel said simply.

How does one memorize a place this big. Felix nodded and seemed reluctant to leave me with Daniel as he walked away.

"Let's go." Daniel nodded.

We headed to the first door we could find and slowly walked in. It was a small study room with bookshelves and a desk by a boarded up window.

"Sit down." Daniel instructed me.

Blackbriar Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fanfic/Original StoryWhere stories live. Discover now