Chapter 6

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 6

(Lana Del Ray - Young and Beautiful)

I grinned in excitement and pushed open the door. I slowly entered the room and felt a pang in my chest. I grabbed my chest in shock and grunted. I looked up and saw Daniel. But he was dressed differently. He was in a dress shirt and black pants. He grinned and approached me.

"Why are you down here, Emilia?" He asked, cupping my cheek.

Wait, if I'm seeing him.. does that mean he's a ghost or something? Does that mean he's dead? He tilted his head and pecked me briefly on the lips. He walked back over to a table covered in jars. There were also lots of shelves covered in jars and containers. There was a small chemistry set on the table. I noticed a note and when I picked it up Daniel suddenly disappeared. I slowly observed the note.

"This is my third attempt to produce artificial Vitae. The former compounds lacked the potency I need, but I sense I'm close. Calamine and Orpiment are a given and the Cuprite binds them well. This time I will attempt Aqua Regia instead of Aqua Fortis in hope it will produce a more even solution.

The experiment was unsuccessful. The solution is highly acidic and proves impractical to put to any use except as a detergent. Organic tissue reacts especially violently to the solution and should be handled with the greatest care. I might be able to use the recipe, but I'm losing hope that I will find an alchemic solution to my predicament."

Organic tissue.. The strange stuff blocking the Inner Sanctum. I looked around and noticed a chemistry pot. I grabbed it and started my search. I quickly spotted a jar on the shelf and grabbed it. There was a label that read Calamine.

"One down-"

"HELP!" A female voice screamed followed by echoing footsteps.

I took off instantly and headed out the door and up the stairs into the first floor. A woman in a victorian era dress ran towards the front doors in a panic. I ran towards her and she whipped around to face me, her eyes wild with fear. I looked behind me at a young man running towards her. I quickly jumped in front of him and shoved him backwards.

"Charles what is this about?!" I demanded, unable to control myself.

"Emilia, this is none of your business-"

"I believe it is. Move along, Charles." I said, warning him.

He opened his mouth but quickly shut it.

"Colton will be angry.." He mumbled.

"I will deal with him." I said, cocking an eyebrow.

Charles grumbled something and stalked off. I turned around and noticed the girl was gone. I turned back to where Charles was and he was gone as well. Where did they go?

After what seemed like hours of walking I noticed a room I hadn't explored. I quickly walked in and looked around. It was a kitchen. It smelled like rotten food and I gagged. I covered my nose and walked through the kitchen. I saw a door and slowly opened it. As soon as I did something fell out. I shrieked and jumped back, watching in disgust as a rotten pig flopped onto the ground. I coughed and covered my mouth. I slowly stepped over the pig and into the pantry. Shelves covered in jars lined the walls filled with strange things. I scavenged through the jars until I noticed two large jars behind all the small ones. I stuck my hand in and quickly grabbed them. I read the labels and they said, "Cuprite and Orpiment". I grinned slightly and quickly froze when I heard a clank. Behind me I heard multiple footsteps.

Blackbriar Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fanfic/Original StoryWhere stories live. Discover now