Chapter 3

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 3

"Come on, let's go." Felix told me.

We started walking and I glanced over my shoulder at Daniel one last time before continuing with Felix. We looked side to side as we crossed the bridge carefully to a center area that had other bridges branching off of it. Small signs read "Cell Block A" "Cell Block B" and "Cell Block C".

"Cell Block A?" I asked Felix and he nodded in agreement.

"Les go!" He skipped slightly as he walked and I grinned.

We took the bridge on the left and headed across to Cell Block A. I glanced over my shoulder to see Daniels figure disappearing back into the archives. I looked back ahead and noticed cell doors lining the corridor. Torches perched on the walls of the corridor and lit it. I walked up to the first cell on my right and looked inside. I slowly grabbed the metal doorknob and the door painfully creaked as I pulled it open. The dark cell was made of stone with a small bed and a hole in the floor. I noticed a note on the bed and picked it up. The note was old and torn. I could barely read it.

"i have b en ere for 35 day n w. brother plans to e cape a d alert the gu rds. god ple se make the pain stop."

I shook my head in disgust and set the note in my pack.

"Em!" Felix's voice yelled.

I quickly made my way into the corridor and searched for Felix. I found him in a cell a while down.

"What does this say?" Felix asked.

I looked at the note. It was in German.

"Why would I know?" I asked.

"Well, do you?" He raised an eyebrow sassily.

"Well, I kinda speak some German.." I mumbled, grabbing the note.

I could somewhat make out, "The bad man is coming. Bad man is going to give me a drink to make the pain go away. Sometimes bad man brings the owner of the mansion. He tells bad man to do these things. If we misbehave we'll be thrown in the pit with the bones until morning.." The rest I couldn't understand. I read it aloud for Felix and he bit his lip slightly.

"That's disturbing." Felix said, shaking his head.

We continued to check the cells before reaching the end of the hall. A door was there that read Disposal Room. I tilted my head curiously and pulled open the door. The room was dark and small. I lifted my lantern and noticed the room smelled foul. There was a hatch in the ground and I curiously opened it. The pit was too dark to see.

"Hey Felix-"

He handed me a lit candle, reading my mind. I nodded a thanks and lit the candle drop. Somehow the air from dropping didn't blow out the candle as it hit the ground. I squinted my eyes too see a head looking back at me. Suddenly the candle lit something on fire. The flames lit up the pit and revealed a pile of bones and flesh. I screeched and stumbled backwards. Felix quickly closed the hatch and looked at me. The ringing in my ears slowly came back along with a crippling headache.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Lets get out of here." I said quickly, standing up and leaving the room.

As we walked Felix lifted the corners of his mouth with his fingers and crossed his eyes. I couldn't help but smile slightly, even though I was disgusted. Relief washed over me and the pain faded as we left. We reached the bridge and decided to go to Cell Block B. We took a left and headed into the identical corridor. We glanced in the cells as we headed to the end of the hall. We reached a room that read machine room and attempted to open the door. It was locked. There was a sudden bang on the door and we both knew it was time to run. We whipped around an took off sprinting towards Cell Block C. We dashed down the hall to a door that read "Sewer System." We reached it! I reached for the lever, but it was stuck. It was mechanically operated.

Blackbriar Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fanfic/Original StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora