Chapter 5

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 5

I grinned to everyone and hurried to the door. I peaked out and looked side to side. I could hear creaking footsteps with the bone chilling sound of metal scraping. I made my way out into the hallway and suddenly heard the piano playing the same familiar tune. I stopped and Felix tilted his head in confusion.

"Do you hear that?" I asked and they both shook their head.

It continued to play and I could hear the laughter and voices. I felt something surge through my body and I realized someone had walked through me. I gasped and leaned against the wall. The man turned and tipped his head to me.

"Emilia." The strange man acknowledged me.

He slowly walked off and Felix grabbed my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I nodded.

I looked into the chapel and saw that it was the ball room again. People danced and laughed happily.

"Emily, we must move on." Daniel said.

"Alright.." I whispered, continuing.

We reached the door and I slowly stuck the key in the hole. I twisted the doorknob and pushed against the door. We stepped into a dusty room full of books, paintings, and different artifacts. There was a desk and a note on it. There was a door in the room and Felix headed to it, slightly closing it behind him. Daniel observed the books and paintings as I grabbed the note written in fancy cursive. It was signed by Colton.

"Daniel has been carrying out the tortures while I work on the rituals and killings. I've been almost caught too many times. Daniel is very naive and I fear he is coming to his senses. He worries too much of this Emilia. I suspect something of her. I must kill a witch to finish the ritual, and I'm running out of suspects."

My stomach wrenched as my suspicions were confirmed. Daniel is... "The Bad Man?".. I looked up at Daniel and felt myself draw back from him. Daniel turned around and stared me straight in the eyes. He slowly walked over and I backed away from him. He looked down at the note before quickly looking back at me. He kept a straight face, but his eyes got dark.


"You're the bad man?" I whispered.

He seemed to wince at my words. He looked away and sighed. He reached in his pocket and I backed away slightly. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and looked down at it.

"Emily, I never intended for you to find out this way.." He said quietly.

"Find out that you are a murderer? A man that tortures innocent people and then makes them forget?" I hissed.

"That was a century ago!" He hissed back, "I... I made myself forget.. I drank what I gave them to make myself forget."

He tossed the paper at me and I hesitantly grabbed it. I straightened it out to reveal an old, worn note.

"Your name is Daniel. I hope you find comfort in the fact I chose to forget. I hope Colton's name sparks the anger in you that you need. Now, I have a quest for you that your life and the life of millions count on. You must destroy the orb. Find the girl, you will know her when you see her. Keep yourself alive so you can guide her. Emilia, Daniel. Remember Emilia and you will find the one. Beware of the demons roaming the mansion. And most importantly, avoid the shadow at all costs. Never stay in one place for too long. Stay alive, Daniel. Good luck.

Blackbriar Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fanfic/Original StoryWhere stories live. Discover now