Chapter 1

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A Pewdiepie/Amnesia Fan Fiction

Chapter 1

I dragged my feet as I headed upstairs. I was ready to sleep more than ever. I slipped into bed and sighed. Halloween and my 21st birthday were coming up. I slowly slipped off into a deep sleep. Whispers echoed through my head and I opened my eyes. I realized I was in another room, in another bed. Where am I?! I attempted to sit up, but I failed. I opened my mouth to scream, but it never worked. A fog rolled into the room followed with a silent hum. Fear overcame me and my heart began to pound like drums. The whispers became more audible until it was unbearable. "The witness.." "Our savior.." "It's her!" "Help me!" "God has sent us our angel after all this time.." "We are freed!" "Save us.." "God chose you child.." "Save us!" The whispers turned into painful screams, "SAVE US!" "IT HURTS!" "HELP!" I screamed as pain washed over me like I was being torn apart, limb by limp. I was now drenched in sweat and becoming to weak to cry and scream. Over the hundreds of screams the angelic humming got louder, making the room vibrate. "MAKE IT STOP!" A voice screamed, slowly being drowned out by the humming. "Emily, wake up.." A gentle male voice whispered in a British accent. "You must wake up before it's too late.." The voice slowly disappeared and I felt myself fainting from the unbearable pain. "I'm sorry, dear Emily..."

I gasped as I gained consciousness. I coughed violently, realizing I was outside. I was shivering uncontrollably and it was pouring rain. My head was pounding and my was heart racing. I stood up and looked around, I needed shelter. I began to venture through the woods, stumbling and struggling to keep my eyes open. As lightning pierced the darkness I could see a tower. I ran to it as fast as possible. I realized after a while it wasn't a tower, but a large mansion. It was built of stone and had large wooden doors. I approached the eerie mansion and grabbed the rusted handles. The door surprisingly pulled open with a good tug. I grunted as it swung open and I stepped into the warm mansion. Before I could turn to shut the door, it slammed suddenly and sent a gust of wind that almost knocked me over. Whistles of wind echoed through the mansion eerily. The mansion was dimly lit by candles. Maybe someone lived here? I slowly ventured to a pair of double doors between a grand staircase that you could go up on two sides. I slowly pushed them opened and stared down the corridor. There were two doors on each wall of the small corridor and another set of double doors on the far wall. It was dark and I felt fear sink into me. Turning back now sounded great, but I had nowhere else to go. My skin burned and my headache grew worse as I ventured to the first door on my right. I grabbed the doorknob and jiggled it, but it was locked. I headed to the next door and luckily it was open. It was lit by a few candles and I could clearly see around the room. The walls were stone brick like the rest of the mansion and were covered in old paintings. The floors were dark wood panels that creaked under your footsteps. There was a beautiful bed with green drapes and blankets along with a matching green rug covered in golden floral designs. I had just realized I wasn't fully clothed when a subtle breeze swept through the room, making me uncomfortable. I felt my headache fade as the candle light comforted me. I headed to a wardrobe and pulled it open. There was a white long sleeve button up shirt. I grabbed it and sighed, it was an oversized men's shirt. It will work, though. I slipped into it and rolled up the sleeves to my elbows, brushing my fingers through my short, wavy, midnight black hair. I had on some tattered denim skinny jeans covered in dirt and shrugged. A sudden gust of wind swept through the room and blew out the candles with a whistle that sounded like faint screams. I gasped, whipping around with a pounding heart. My headache returned stronger than ever, almost causing me to pass out. I grabbed my head in pain as I choked out a shaky breath. My sanity shattered into bits as the sound of deafening screams and growls bounced off the walls. They slowly faded and all I could hear was my beating heart. I slowly left the room and looked side to side. Where was I? I hesitantly approached a door across from me and heard chains rattling. Before I could grab the doorknob something seemed to smash against the door with a deep growl. I stumbled backwards in shock as something continued to bang on the door angrily. I didn't want to stick around to find out what it was. I took off sprinting down the dark corridor, the walls seeming to spin as I ran to the double doors. I could hear footsteps and grunts behind me as I pulled open the doors and quickly shut them behind me. I stood there for a moment, panting as I held my head. Suddenly the door burst open. A strange, half naked creature with a deformed, dangling jaw and long claws scanned me with its beady yellow eyes. It screamed with anger and lashed out at me with its long claws, raking me across my face. I screamed in shock and pain, taking no time to take off running in a panic. I could hear its footsteps pounding behind me as I took off blindly down the second corridor. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as instinct kicked in and told me to hide. I opened the nearest door and slammed it behind me. I was in a bedroom identical to the other one. I ran to a wardrobe and pulled open the door, climbing inside and gently shutting the door. I sighed with relief until I felt a warm breath on my neck. I whipped my head to the side to be face to face with a man. I was about to scream when his hand covered my mouth.

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