Chapter Twenty One | Stolen

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'The Proposal' was one of the best Romantic comedies in my opinion

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'The Proposal' was one of the best Romantic comedies in my opinion. It was also the movie we decided to watch first. I had changed into my pyjamas whilst Eva ordered our usual takeout.

Eva's flat had a one bedroom, one bathroom, a small living room with a joint kitchen. It was the perfect size for one person and had been well kept. In the living room there was a sofa and a medium sized TV which had Netflix already connected. The flat was well maintained and clean. Over the years, Eva had bought more and more furniture.

Having been an orphan since the age of 18, she had done well in sorting out her life and staying on the right side of the track. She had moved her a few months after clearing out her old home to start a new life. My uncle offered her a job after a few days of her arriving and she's been an extension of our family since then. It's like I have an older sister with her.

We both sat on the sofa in a bundle of blankets and pillows whilst watching the movie. There wasn't a moment where we weren't gasping for air after laughing so much.


I dramatically sighed as I rolled out the blankets to grab the money on the counter to pay. At least my chicken strips and chips are here.

I unlocked the door, only to find we got more than the food we ordered. In all his glory, stood Antonio in his usual suit with bags of takeout. I mentally face-palmed. Oh crap! How did I forget?

"Eva...did you invite someone else to our party?" My voice was slightly high pitch. I didn't look away from Antonio, he just glared at me.

"No," Eva muttered, she was still engrossed in the movie. So I took matters in to my own hands and did what any other same person would do.

I slammed the door shut.

If Antonio doesn't hate me already... He definitely does now. I rushed to Eva's side, "We have a bit of a problem... Antonio's outside. Did you tell him where you live?"

"What? No!" Eva said in confusion as she fell on the floor, tangled in blankets.

"What do we do? I think he has our food..." I responded. He's holding our food hostage. Now it's time to devise a rescue plan.

"I'll invite him in, you grab the food, then we get rid of him," Eva planned out loud whilst pacing the length on the sofa.

"How?" I replied.


"We'll figure it out! Now go!" Eva nudged me in the general direction of the door.

I opened it slowly, hoping he'd given up and left our food at the door. No Luck.

"Umm, I'm sorry... Would you like to come in?" I said slowly whilst opening the door wider. He seemed to be considering something. Please say no.

He nodded, more to himself than me and took long strides into with our food before picking a spot to settle down. It was a random chair we left to dump random stuff but hadn't got round to doing so. Our poor food.

Eva was fidgeting and very nervous. I went to sit down next to her on the sofa. No one said anything for a little bit. I'd be a bit worried too if someone random pitched up at my home on a Friday night.

"So... How did you find out where Eva lives?" I blurted out. I'm just addressing the elephant in the room...

Antonio cleared his throat before answering, "I have connections."

"Stalker much," I said under my breathe but Eva still managed to hear it. Eva covered her laughter with coughing.

"How about we start eating?" She managed to get out. I nodded eagerly. I was hungry.

"I brought some wine, maybe to help you clear your throat," Antonio commanded more than suggested.

"No!" I jumped up, "I'll go get water."

"She's going to have wine," he rebutted. There's no way I'm letting him crash this train.

"We don't drink during our sleepovers," I said in a matter of fact voice.

"You don't have to drink," Antonio continued to argue.

I opened my mouth to respond but Eva beat me to it, "We won't drink but you're welcome to."

I went to get some water whilst muttering, "Better yet, have the whole bottle so we can send you home in a taxi quickly."

I made such to glare at home from the kitchen so he wouldn't attempt any moves but that didn't stop him. Antonio sat down on the sofa next to Eva. Eva shuffled away, obviously uncomfortable. He took my spot!

I went back with the glass of water and purposely sat in the small gap in between them. It is my job to keep them away from each other.

Eva seemed grateful for my intervention whilst Antonio shot a glare in my direction. Antonio handed us our meals and attempted to start a conversation, "I thought this was a lot for one person."

"Yeah," Eva said before returning to her chicken burger. We were hungry so we ate whilst ignoring Antonio. It was his choice to be here. We weren't stopping him from leaving.

We finished eating then proceeded to stare at each other awkwardly. How were we going to get him to leave?

Eventually Antonio got the hint and decided to leave, "It was nice doing this but I've got to go..."

He got up and I followed him to the door. I opened it for him and watched until he was outside before handing him the money for our takeout. He won't be able to blackmail her over any 'favours'.

"Let's not do this again," my voice was sickly sweet.

I slammed the door in his face.

I went back to my spot. Eva didn't look in the mood to discuss Antonio's presence so we switched to move back on.

Tonight was a job well done...

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