Chapter Nineteen | Fake Thinking

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From the second I opened my eyes, I felt a seed of dread unfurl in the pit of my stomach

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From the second I opened my eyes, I felt a seed of dread unfurl in the pit of my stomach.

The morning seemed to water that seed, and the dread began to grow. I couldn't eat as the sight of food made me queasy. My normal walk to school took twice as long as I dragged my feet along the sidewalk. My music seemed to blur into the background. Is it too late to go back home?

Despite my slow, delayed movement, I managed to get to school as the bell rang. A few people greeted me before running to their classrooms. I muttered the relevant response. I picked up my pace and walked to the office. There was no point in being late when I'm already here.

Outside the office, Emily waved me over to a seat next to her. She had her blonde hair up in a high ponytail and was sitting with her legs crossed over. My phone vibrated and I quickly checked my message before I sat down with Emily. Just now she asks who CC is...

Pick Jacob.

It was from the third number. This was obviously something to do with my project. Suddenly I didn't feel as nervous as before. Maybe I was just over reacting.

"Jacob and Max are in there at the moment," Emily whispered over her hand. Now I was a bit curious now...

"Max? The one who plays basketball all the time?" I responded just as quietly. They could hear us on the other side of the door for all we know.

She nodded and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door opening. We were called in by Mr Collins.

Max and Jacob walked out the door but we didn't pay attention to them as we took our seats in place of them. Mr Collins sat behind a large wooden desk. There was a family photo and school photographs of Calvin throughout the years decorating the wall. Well that collection will be done this year.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here for this meeting," Mr Collins started, he reached for some papers.

"Well I have a job for you. You both have excellent marks in mathematics and I need you to tutor some students for a while," he continued. All I was worrying about was tutoring? This wasn't worth an empty stomach...

"Jacob and Max need to get there grades up for the final exams and its better to start now before it's too late", he waited for a response from us. We both nodded.

"Now I'll let you two decide amongst yourselves who's going to help who quickly before I decide myself..." He looked at us expectantly. Emily and I looked at each other. I didn't want to look like I'd already made my choice but I knew who I had to push to get. 

"Umm, so Max or Jacob?" I ask quietly under the graze of Mr Collins.

"Well it's up to you, I don't mind." Emily pushed the decision to me. She tried to look indifferent about it but she was fidgeting slightly. Obviously she didn't want Jacob...

"Umm... I'll teach Jacob and you teach Max?" I asked. Yep, let me pretend to think. It's like I have no idea on who to pick.

Emily was quick to jump on the wagon. She nodded eagerly, "Yes, we can do that."

Mr Collins seemed to think it over before agreeing. He then told us which periods would be suitable to hold the lessons and that we could start next week, and that it would count as points towards our community service project. The bell rang signalling that our first lessons were about to begin.

Emily left before me in a rush to get to class on time. I paused at the door and asked hesitantly, "Do you see all the project work done by student?"

"Yes, I'm always curious to see what my students are up to. Why do you ask?" He gave a warm smile.

"Um, just curious" I replied. I left that topic at that note.

I didn't have the chance to discuss my lessons with Jacob until later that afternoon when I as interrupted by both Calvin and Jacob during our free period. The first thing I did was pinch Calvin's cheeks, "Aww, look at you all grown up. You're just so cute!"

Calvin slapped away my hands and rubbed his sore cheeks whilst frowning. Jacob just laughed loudly whilst pointing at him. It's a good thing I like to sit on the corner tables.

"You dad's office is full of cute photos by the way," I said between laughter.

"Stop! We do not mention those photos ever again!" He demanded as he finally realised where my random behaviour had come from. Of course Jacob and I didn't listen to him like the loving friends we were.

We continued to tease him for a while longer until he asked, "What were you even doing in the office?"

"Jacob needs to be taught mathematics," I said at the same time as Jacob replied, "I'm a failure!"

"Stop being dramatic! After I'm done with you, you'll be deriving for fun!" I hit his shoulder lightly.

"Maths? Fun? I think you need help Ella..." Jacob pretended to be wounded by my hit.

"Serves you right for sleeping during class!" Calvin added.

"Hey! I was tired and it was boring. It's not my fault I missed a few notes..." He attempted to defend his actions.

"More like half the topics." Calvin muttered. This time Jacob kicked Calvin under the table.

"Ow! Don't do that", Calvin hissed.

I decided to interrupt then before they started wrestling with a dramatic sigh, "It looks like I have my work cut out for me!"

"Whatever, we can start on Monday" Jacob replied before we moved on to the activities we'd get up to this weekend.

A sleepover at Eva's, can't wait for that to go wrong...


Calculus is fun!

Calculus is fun!

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