10: Rise to the Surface

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I walked back into the building once the freezing air had picked up and made my way down to the main floor. Daff was the only person in the main room at the time because the other boys were in the other room singing a new song while Daff was recording it. I sat down next to him and started enjoying the music.

"Which one of the boys are you with?" He asked.

"Pardon me?" He gave me that look.

"You know what I mean." He pressed the mute button to make sure they couldn't hear us speaking; he also turned down the boys recording.

"I'm not with any of them." I squished my hands between my knees trying to hide my white lies.

"Well, I saw the way you looked at Oscar today, and Felix is very vocal about you when you are not around." He looked down at my wrist and saw my new bracelet. "That is from Felix isn't it?"

"Yes." Daff was very observant. I had a hard time hiding my smile; I didn't think that anyone could think about me that way. I just never happened before so why would it happen now?

A door knocked behind us and a woman came inside with a pile of papers. Somehow she looked oddly familiar

"Hej Katia."

"Hej Daff, Hur mår du?

"Jag är väl." A simple greeting they exchanged.

"Katia this is Alisha." Daff introduced me; she looked even more familiar close up.

She looked up at me and squinted her eyes while a smile crept upon her face. "Did you happen to take a plane last week?"

"Yes! From London."

She chuckled, "Nice to see you again!"

"Wait you guys have met before?" Daff was confused.

"Yes she took my plane on my trip back from ÅR&DAR." Katia gestured towards me.

"I see how interesting!" Daff got really excited.

Before I knew it we were all chatting away and we completely forgot about the boys in the other room recording. But they noticed that we were all talking away about Katia's trip to London and my experience living there. They got impatient quickly and started throwing mini bouncy balls towards the window.

That was enough of a distraction for Daff to turn around and turn up their music again.

"Ok thanks all of you for coming in today, I just need to record Felix separately right now. So the rest of you are off the hook for an hour or so."

The rest of the boys and I funneled back into the main meeting room, and I was greeted by Oscar. He never said a word to me he just approached me and looked straight over my head and pushed my stomach enough to make me walk backwards towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he walked clear past me. He just looked at me over his shoulder smiling and he lifted one eyebrow...making me very suspicious.

We began to walk outside and I caught up to him and took hold of his hand.

"Is this a guessing game?" ...Still no answer. We continued walking down the street until we reached a large intersection with cars moving a million miles a minute. Once we got around the madness there was an open docking station where boats could come and leave as they please.

"We are almost there." He finally answered me. I was still quite unsure about the whole situation.

We passed some landmarks along the dock and walked down a couple cobblestone stairs to a small hidden area completely secluded by trees.

"Ok, where are we?"

"This is my secret place that I like to come sit and think. Here there are no strong winds and the sun will set over in the west." I looked around the area it was very nice, there were trees and vines covering our heads so we were protected from the sun and there were little string night lights hung from the scattered branches; along with a large outdoor couch to sit on.

Oscar laid down on the couch and looked up through the tree leaves relaxing. I looked out into the never ending Scandinavian Ocean.

"Come here." Oscar held out his hand.

I was compelled to listen to him; he took my hand and pulled me on top of him and I rested my head on his chest watching the ocean roll in and roll back out again. He ran his fingers through my hair and started singing a song in Swedish. Time had become frozen, nothing mattered at this point. The ocean became softer, the wind grazing the leaves above became fainter and fainter, and I was in heaven.

I raised my head and rested it on my hands to look into his brilliant blue eyes.

"Beautiful." He whispered lifting my hair behind my ears. He began to lean closer to my face... and suddenly ruined the moment by licking the tip of my nose.

"Awww man!" I shot up instantly wiping off my face.

"What is it with you and my nose?!" We both sat up laughing.

Damn it he was good! I could never admit it to him but he always caught me off guard.

He pulled my body towards him once again with one arm over my shoulders; both my legs were thrown over his lap and our fingers intertwined with each other's.

"I like noses." he answered my previous question with the funniest voice.

He glanced down at my arm and spotted the scar from the train wreck.

"What happened to you?" He furrowed his eyes.

"Nothing." I pulled my arm away. I had tried to forget the whole crash since it happened but I could not hold the tears back any longer. I just simply broke down.

"No Ali don't cry!" Oscar held my body close to his in attempts to comfort me; but nothing at this point could make me feel better.

"I'm sorry." I felt like a fool for crying in front of him. Why would I be so ridiculous! He doesn't want to see this!

"Don't apologize; it was nothing you could control." All these words just made me get more worked up. I can still hear that child crying and slipping out of her mother's arms. I hardly wanted to admit it to myself but I am pretty sure she never made it past that night.

"You know we are so lucky to be alive, some other people don't have that luxury; and look at what has happened since! I met you, and showed you around Stockholm, and found an amazing dance partner. Be happy that you survived, and smile for those people who cannot smile anymore." I counted my breaths and calmed myself down enough to stabilize myself. Oscar was staring off into the ocean, he had been crying as well by the looks of it.

My head was still pounding, I couldn't keep my eyes open for long and I drifted off.

I felt Oscar later pick me up; he must have carried me back to the studio because I recall hearing him speak to OG.

"Yea if you guys want to go have lunch I will stay with her." Oscar spoke.

"Are you sure? She will be fine when you get back. Plus Daff is here."

"Yes I am sure. She needs me here right now and I want to be here when she wakes up."

"Alright bro, good luck." Footsteps followed out the front door; and I felt Oscar crawl onto the couch behind me and wrap his arm around my waist making sure he held me close.

He really did promise to protect me.


Hej! How are you doing today? I hope you had as good of a day as mine!

Make sure you leave a comment it really helps with the making of this book!

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