Chapter-3 Trust Isn't Real

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I started my morning off at The Grill again. Turns out this is the only place where someone can actually go and eat good food. I sit at the bar and order a black coffee. I had in my headphones listening to Twenty-One Pilots on full blast. I didnt't even notice that someone was sitting next to me.

I look over to see only a man with some sort of alcohol. I sighed and took out my right headphone. I rolled my eyes and decided that I should probably talk to them. I mean, the whole bar is open and they sit by me. This is a problem. I look over just barley to see the vampire that I saw two days ago with the black hair and cocky smile. I turn 90 degrees so I can face this mysterious vampire. I just stare at him being awkward. Trying to make him say something first.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said through is smirk plastered on his face. I didn't approve very much of him being cocky. So I decided to strike back.

"Nah, you're not even that cute." He turned his head over and I stared at him with an uninterested face. He turned back to the bar and took a drink of the mysterious drink. He then make a quick turn to the left so he could face me. I had my hand on my face and was leaning on my knee. He does that some pose. I smirk at him and he keeps his smile on his face.

"I'll play along. So who are you Miss Mysterious?" He said sarcastically with fake interest. I laugh and take a sip of my coffee. I look back at him still in the same pose waiting for my response. "Nope. Not until I get your name, Guy Who Thinks I Should Take His Picture" He laughs and I notice that our faces have gotten really close.

"Damon Salvatore, the one and only." He smiles and then drinks the rest of his drink in one flick of the wrist. I'm impressed.

"I'm Danielle, Danielle Foster. But people call me Danny." He smirks and I take another sip of my coffee. I think of what I just said. Did I really just tell this vampire my real last name? Wow. You're really gonna make an impression when some other vampire knows the stories. Let's just hope that Damon doesn't know a lot about history,

"Well it's nice to meet you Danny." he grabs my right hand and kisses it. I'm not sure if I blushed or not, but from the astonished look on his face, I guess I did. My reputation is going down the drain, and for what? A 164 year old vampire? UGH I need to not fall for his fake charm. It's like a disease. Guy and their mysterious ways to make you fall for them without even trying. If you can't tell, this has happened before.

"Well, hello to you Damon Salvatore. It is a pleasure to finally meet someone sorta like me in this annoying little town that's so cute at the same time." I smile, glad he still doesn't know I'm a vampire. I definitely knew he didn't know I was a vampire because of what happened next. I knew he had started to take some sort of interest in me.

"Don't be scared. Follow me and don't do anything stupid." He said this in a weird tone and I knew he was trying to compel me. His eyes widened and his voice was different.

I looked at him with a blank face and said, "Okay, I wont do anything stupid." I kept a blank face as he got up and took my hand. He led me to his car parked outside of The Grill. Finally, I get to know what vampire problems are going on here. We got to his car and he opened the door for me and smiled. I smiled back. I get into the car and see him walk normally to get to his side. He got in and started to drive.

It was about a 10 minute drive of silence. It wasn't awkward, it was just silence, beautiful silence. When the trip was over, we pulled up into a long driveway that lead to what looked like a mansion. It was the old Salvatore Boarding House. I had no idea what was going on. I think that I had an idea, but half hoped it wouldn't be true. As we parked in the driveway, I noticed that two other cars were parked here.

People? Vampires? Ugh the suspense. Damon walked around the car and opened the door for me and grabbed my hand to help me out. He kept hold of my hand as he lead me up to the house. I listened, there seemed to be about six people inside. From what I could tell. I didn't know what they were. But there were about four heartbeats, so that's either good or bad. We got to the front door and Damon opened the door, I thought, Do I have to be invited in? Nope, guess not, I walked right in behind Damon. I walked in, as we headed towards stairs, I looked to my right and saw exactly six faces looking at me with stunned expressions. I'm pretty sure by now I was red and embarrassed that this was my first impression on these people, practically I looked like a slut. Great job Danny.

I looked at these people and saw her, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was her. "Katerina?" I whispered. The man sitting by Katerina seemed to hear me because his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.Oops. Damon didn't hear me and we kept going through the house. We walked up the stairs and went to a room that was empty except for a bed. Damon turned around and let go of my hand. "Don't move, I'll be right back." he compelled me.

"I won't move." He smiled and walked through another door, I walked over to the door and stood beside it. I waited for him to walk out. It was about a minute later and he walked back in. He walked through the door and stopped a few feet in because I wasn't standing where he left me. I knew he was frowning. I used my vampire speed and was behind his back in seconds, I reached my hands up and snapped his neck. Before he could hit the ground, I grabbed him and laid him on the bed.

I walked back out the door and down the way I came. I stood on the outside of the door to the room the group was talking with each other. I listened to their conversation, updating myself on this situation. Everyone seemed to be talking at once.

"What are we going to do about Elena?"

"How are we going to stop Klaus?"

"Will you die using all of that power?"

"I don't know how we would stop him."

"Guys! Stop, this is unnecessary. It is all going to be fine, no one is dying, except for Klaus."

I decided to walk in and join this conversation, hoping everyone thought I was a dumb human. I walked in like I owned the place. I was reciving glances, of "who is this girl and what is she doing here?" This first person to say something was a girl with blonde hair. "Um who are you? This doesn't involve you." Then Katerina was next.

"Caroline. Calm down. It's alright." she looks at me and smiles. This obviously wasn't Katerina because she would have been long gone by now. "Who are you?" I sat down in a chair and smiled.

"I'm the girl who is going to solve all of your problems." I smiled bigger when everyone got even more confused. "I'm Danielle, Danny to everyone. Danny Foster." everyone still looked confused, I guess no one would listen to a stupid human girl anyway. I looked at them and opened my mouth and showed my fangs. I put them back and smiled as everyone gasped.

"It's alright, I'm here to help with your Klaus problem. Just tell me who you people are."

They all seemed to agree because they went around telling me their names.

The girl who looked like Katerina said,"My names Elena Gilbert. The doppleganger if you haven't already figured out."

"Stefan Salvatore."

"Tyler Lockwood, were-wolf. So yeah."

"Jeremy Gilbert."

"Bonnie Bennet."

"Carolina Forbes.:

"Great, and I'm here to tell you how to stop Klaus while we can save you, while Klaus can still life, okay?" I smiled and just as I did I felt a horrible pain go through my body. I looked down to see the front of a stake poking out of my heart. I turn around to see Damon smiling as he shoves the stake farther in. I could no longer see anything and I could feel my whole body dying.


Thanks for reading you guys. I'm starting to get better at this whole writing thing.So this story is going to be a little different from the show. Different stories and different drama. so get ready!!! yay. also I will post about once or twice a week. Fridays and then whenever I feel like it so, yeah Party< wahooo<<<<<<

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