Chapter Four

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I must've stood there, staring at the door like an idiot for an hour at least, before Miranda told me to go get ready for dinner.

He kissed my forehead! Colten kissed my forehead!! Swoon, I'm never washing my forehead again!!!

"Alice! Go change for dinner!" Sasha, another maid, called from the kitchen.

I made my feet move towards the grand staircase, my sneakers squeaking against the marble floors. Holy shizballs!! I can't wait to tell Chloe! Did Colten like me or did he just like tormenting my emotions? Did he know that I liked him? Like, like like him?

As soon as I was in my room I threw on my black dress pants and a blouse before glancing at my reflection in the mirror hanging above my twin bed. The girl's face was flushed, her dark brown hair was tousled and her bright green eyes sparkled with happiness. This girl in the mirror was beautiful, and this girl, I realized with a start, was me. I was pretty when I was happy.

My full pink lips curved into a genuine smile and I turned and raced back down the stairs, my bare feet not making a single noise as I ran threw the house and into the servants quarters, which was behind the kitchen.

Around the huge table were the maids, cooks, and gardeners, all having a conversation. When they heard me, all eyes snapped to me, they smiled and greeted me. I took the seat between Miranda and Sasha, listening as they all went back to their conversations.

Tonight there was spaghetti on the table and freshly baked bread, wine was placed throughout the table. The plates were a teal color and the silverware was placed properly.

Sasha, who was closest to my age, was 26. Sasha turned to me and smiled.

"So, you look happy, what's up?" she quirks a perfect eyebrow.

"I'm just really really happy," my smile brightened.

"Ooh, you look like your in love! Who is he? Is he cute?" she passed me the big bowl of spaghetti. I took it and dished up.

"His name is Colten and he's not cute, he's hot." I insisted, grabbing myself a piece of bread after passing the bowl of spaghetti to Miranda who was animatedly talking with Nicholas, the head chief.

"Really? Have you spoken to him?" she grabbed a piece of bread also.

"Ya," I blushed, a nervous giggle erupting from me.

"Want to tell me about it?" she teased. I shook my head, picking up my fork and twirling spaghetti around it. As much as I loved spaghetti, it was quite messy to eat. At least, for me it was... "Ah, why not?"

"Sasha, I barely understand what's going on, how on earth would I explain it?" I stuck the spaghetti in my mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

"Well if you can put it into words later, maybe I can explain it to you. Just remember, II'm here for you." she smiled before going back to eating her spaghetti.

I watched her for a minute, still chewing my spaghetti, before I tore my gaze from her and looked at my plate.
Since we lived in a mansion, we had a pool. A pool nobody really used, not even me. Sure it might be fun to swim, for everyone but me.

None of the staff was allowed to swim in the pool, and with the only family I had being my parents, no one but them used the pool.

When I was younger, my dad left me unattended in the pool and I almost drowned. Luckily though, Miranda got to me in time. Ever since that day I never swam or went near a pool again.

So now it was strange that I was standing near the pool, but I had a good reason. I was forced to do it, by Miranda. Who was forcing me to face my fears.

There was a swimming instructor already in the water and I was standing nearby, wrapped in a bright green towel.

"Alice, just get in the pool, dear. I understand your fear, but I'm right here, I'll be here to supervise you." Miranda wrapped an arm around my shoulder protectively.

"B-but what if I..."

"Shhh, it's okay, dear, I'm here."

"No, I'm not going in. Miranda, I hate to be the bad guy, but if you make me go in I'll..." I trailed off not sure what to say. I turned to the swimming instructor. "Your fired, sorry."

He got out of the pool and left.

Miranda hugged me, "Why won't you just face your fears? I'd help you."

"I know you would, I'm just not ready." I buried my face in her shoulder. "I'm going to go change."

Carefully pulling away, I left her and went into the mansion and up the grand staircase. Today was awful, Colten wasn't at school, Chloe left school with a fever, and I was left alone and being forced to go near the death trap that was the pool.

Once inside my room, I threw off the towel and went to my dresser. I threw on some jeans and a T-shirt. Then I collapsed on my bed, groaning when I remembered my homework from today.

As nerdy as I was, I hated homework, but I loved school. Only because it beat being alone on the weekends in a big house. All the maids and most of the cooks had the weekend off.

I got up and pulled my backpack up off the floor, unzipped it, and pulled out my homework binder.

My English Lit. assignment was first on the list, then my math homework. Hours passed and I soon finished my homework. With that out of the way, I headed down the stairs.

A lean figure was coming up the stairs, he looked up and saw me, a smile formed on his beautiful face.

Colten was once again in my house.
A/N Ohhhhh! What's going to happen?!?!? Lol, vote, comment, follow! P.S. this chapter is unedited.
-Love Morgiebug<3

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