Chapter Twenty-Four

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Pierce's POV 

We walked into the guy's house. I had forgotten his name, but to be fair, I didn't much care what it was either. 

"What kind do you want? We'll figure that out first," he questioned me, walking up to some case. He got a key out of his pocket an started to unlock the case.

"Uh, I'm not sure? I don't really have a preference."

"He's new at this whole thing I guess, or at least as far as I know," Davis chimed in. The man glared at Davis for talking, making Davis shrink in his skin.

"How many packs then?" 

"Uh, maybe two? I don't know," I answered awkwardly. 

"Okay, here catch," he told him and instantly threw me two small-ish boxes. I examined it. It was in a black box with blue and white writing that said, /Camel Crush/. It also had a photo of a camel on the package. 

"Camel Crush?"

"They're menthol, so they have a minty flavor. Easier for beginners because the taste of tobacco isn't as strong. I don't know, I like them better," he explained, shrugging. 

"Oh, okay. Uh how much do you want for them?"

"I usually say about $15 for two packs that are menthol. If you don't got that, I'm fine with $10." He shrugged again. 

"Here," I pulled a 20 out of my pocket, "take this. It's for the cigarettes and for bothering you at such a late hour," I said, handing him the twenty and smiling. He took it without hesitating. 

"Why don't you two stay a while? I can provide some drinks. You guys did come so late after all, might as well stay and have drinks," he offered. "I'll even give you a few cigs from my pack so you don't gotta smoke the ones you just bought. 

"Like alcohol?" He nodded at Davis' question. "I'm down. How about you Pierce?" They both looked at me.

"Sure, why not?"

Liz's POV 

"If he's not home, then I find him. Simple," I told my mom, opening the door. She put her arm in my way, stopping me from leaving.

"I need to put my foot down here, Elizabeth. You need to stay home. It's too late. He's probably fine, there's no need to-"

"Look here, Dena." I started, causing her eyes to widen at my blatant disrespect. "I'm going to make sure that boy is okay. I owe him. I'm sorry you don't want me to, but I'm leaving. So you can either move your arm and let me out the front door or I climb out my window. Your choice," I said sternly. She stared at me for a while before moving her arm.

"Elizabeth?" I looked at her. "Please call me when you find him and are sure he's okay. I care about both of you. A lot." 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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