Chapter Eighteen

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Pierce's POV 

I felt much better after smoking. I never knew smoking could do you good, I always thought smoking was something super bad. But how would I even get anymore cigarettes? Liz? No, she'd be mad. I don't think she smokes, although she looks like she would. Spencer? I know he doesn't smoke, but he could totally get some, he is eighteen after all. Davis could too, he's not eighteen but he has friends who are, he could totally hook me up. Hmm...

I walked through the food court doors and instantly spotted Liz standing up, looking angry at someone. I made my way over and realized she was yelling at Davis, who was just looking down at the table. I walk up to them, not saying a word and take the seat next to Davis. He looks up at me, and I could see the tears in his eyes. 

"Hey guys," I greeted with a small smile. 

"Pierce, my pal," Liz screeched and walked over to my side of the table and grabbed my hand. I just looked up a her, squinting. "Pierce, I'm so sorry for leaving you with," she looked over at Davis, "him. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm so..." Her voice trailed off.

"Why'd you stop talking," Spencer asked. 

She grabbed my face with both hands and stared into my eyes. She looked intensely into my eyes, as if she was looking for something. 

"Boy, I swear," she mumbled before letting go and taking a seat. "Sorry, something looked off."

I turned to Davis and smiled before saying, "dude, I forgive you. It was a simple mess up. I don't even know why I got so testy," I chuckled.

"Oh uh, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

"Nah man," I waved off. "It's all good. I don't mind."

Everyone gave me really weird looks, but I dismissed it.

Liz's POV 

He did something. I have no idea what, but he wasn't himself. He had taken something, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. He wasn't high, at least not on weed. I would've seen the redness in his eyes. Same goes for being drunk. But what else could he have taken in like, twelve minutes? 

"Liz, is something wrong?" I look over at Spencer and sigh. "I'll take that as a yes. Wanna talk about it? We can sit down somewhere and let the rest of the group go off on their own," he offered and I simply shook my head. He shrugged and caught up with Isabelle and grabbed their hand. 


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