Chapter Ten

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Liz's POV 

We got home and I pulled Pierce to the bathroom. I grabbed a pair of scissors. I sat him down at the sink.

"How short? What style?"

"Oh uh, boy short? Uh, I'm not sure? You just do whatever, ya know? I trust you to not make me look ugly... well uglier," he said and I smacked the back of his head. "Ow! What the heck!"

"No talking bad about yourself. You are a handsome, kind young man," I told him sternly. "And you gave me permission to do whatever, so I'm gonna do a simple, common male style I see a lot." 

I grabbed a piece of his hair and chopped a little more than half off. 

"Oh god. This is happening. Oh man. Holy crap," he breathed out in a swift motion. 

"Everything okay there? And you can cuss, ya know," I told him, chopping off more of his hair.

"Ah fuck! I'm scared. What if my mom gets mad? Ah," he shouted and started hyperventilating. 

"Chill the fuck down. Everything will be just fine. I promise," I comforted him, chopping more of his hair.

Soon, his hair was all cut to how I wanted it. 

Pierce's POV 

My hair was all cut. It was so short. I looked down at the bathroom floor. My dirt blonde hair was strewn across it. 

"Wanna see it or would you rather see the final reveal? When it's green and shit," she asked me. 

"Um, if I see it now, I probably wont have a panic attack when it's green... hopefully..." 

She turned the chair to face the mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror, or what was supposed to be me. 

I looked totally different... I looked, male! I turned to Liz and gave her a huge hug.

"I love it so far," I shout happily. "Let's get dyeing," I said with a smile. 

"Let's," she told me and got out the bleach. 

Multiple hours had passed. We had put the bleach in my hair, washed it out, and dried my hair. We put the green in, which was terrifying. But we left that in for about an hour, and then we washed it out and dried my hair. 

It was time for the final reveal. 

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